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The good wife's guide...(from 1955)


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Soooo... this is where my grandma got her ideas. She actually sat me down when I was engaged before. She had a talk with me about how when I am a wife it is my DUTY to have sex whenever he wants. Even if I don't feel like it or am sick. YEP. She was about 72 at the time - picture ROSE from the Golden Girls. She looks soooo like her. It was so embarassing! And funny! I couldn't wait to tell my best friend about it, she knows how loonie my gram can be!

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Okay ladies, I've never been good at feminism so tear my head off if you think I'm nuts, but I actually agree with most of this! Not the let your hubby stay out all night or put on your make-up and ribbons part, but some of it I think is lacking today.


Let me explain...


"Modern" women have been re-programmed to bow to no man and make him cater to you, without much reciprocation. Everyone here is pretty smart, but in society in general, there seems to be a lack of respect for our men. He better buy me this, do this for me, etc. I'm not cleaning up after him, he can cook his own meals, you know the rest.


If I'm home all day while DH is working, the least I can do is pick up the house and have something cooking (it helps that I love to cook). I should be happy to see him and listen to what he has to say at the end of a long work day. (not do what he says, there is a difference) Nobody wants to come home from work and be greeted with complaints or a cold welcome, and I enjoy making my man comfortable. I do, however, draw the line at make-up. What the heck do I need that for if I'm sitting in the house? LOL


There should be mutual respect, and I'm sure women in 1955 didn't get that, so I don't want to go back there...lol But I think if women (in general of course) softened up a little and took care of their men better their men would take care of them better. I know many a miserable single woman who is putting out none of this and expecting the world in return.


Maybe it depends on the man? Okay, let me have it :P

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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
Okay ladies, I've never been good at feminism so tear my head off if you think I'm nuts, but I actually agree with most of this! Not the let your hubby stay out all night or put on your make-up and ribbons part, but some of it I think is lacking today.

Let me explain...

"Modern" women have been re-programmed to bow to no man and make him cater to you, without much reciprocation. Everyone here is pretty smart, but in society in general, there seems to be a lack of respect for our men. He better buy me this, do this for me, etc. I'm not cleaning up after him, he can cook his own meals, you know the rest.

If I'm home all day while DH is working, the least I can do is pick up the house and have something cooking (it helps that I love to cook). I should be happy to see him and listen to what he has to say at the end of a long work day. (not do what he says, there is a difference) Nobody wants to come home from work and be greeted with complaints or a cold welcome, and I enjoy making my man comfortable. I do, however, draw the line at make-up. What the heck do I need that for if I'm sitting in the house? LOL

There should be mutual respect, and I'm sure women in 1955 didn't get that, so I don't want to go back there...lol But I think if women (in general of course) softened up a little and took care of their men better their men would take care of them better. I know many a miserable single woman who is putting out none of this and expecting the world in return.

Maybe it depends on the man? Okay, let me have it :P
I SOOOOOOOO get that too! I like to have him feel comfortabl when he gets home. Yes I work too and take care of my daughter. But, his job is VERY physical and draining. Almost every night I offer or just give him a back rub or rub his bald head or something. I am so NOT a feminist. And, I LIKE to take care of my man. It makes me feel good to do nice things for him.
I have even started making his lunch the night before about half the time (when he says yes, as I ask if he would like lunch the next day).
I LIKE getting his horribly smelly work clothes clean and fresh...
I like being good to him.
But some of those ideas were TOOOOO much! Like my grandma's!
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Originally Posted by albrosious View Post
actually, i see your point, Jamy. I do agree that it is important to listen to your man. and I do like to at least brush my hair before he gets home and I do usually make dinner, even if it is a meal-in-a-bag. so, yeah, i see your point, i will not tear into you
Well you have one up on me because I probably would forget to brush my hair...lol And there's nothing wrong with a meal in a bag, shoot even ordering a pizza is great, just something he doesn't have to figure out after work. And I would want the same if I worked and he stayed home....plus fresh baked cookies monkey.gif

Originally Posted by Jones4Me View Post
I SOOOOOOOO get that too! I like to have him feel comfortabl when he gets home. Yes I work too and take care of my daughter. But, his job is VERY physical and draining. Almost every night I offer or just give him a back rub or rub his bald head or something. I am so NOT a feminist. And, I LIKE to take care of my man. It makes me feel good to do nice things for him.
I have even started making his lunch the night before about half the time (when he says yes, as I ask if he would like lunch the next day).
I LIKE getting his horribly smelly work clothes clean and fresh...
I like being good to him.
But some of those ideas were TOOOOO much! Like my grandma's!
Well yeah, it is from 1955 so some of it is silly.....like "knowing my place". I've never been good at that either. It sounds too much like him telling me how to act and that doesn't jive well with me....haha
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Originally Posted by FutureMrs.L View Post
I work full time and have a part time job that I go to after work doing massage therapy. So, he knows to not expect any of this from me. If I was a stay at home mom, yes, the house would be clean, and dinner ready.
Yep, you're exempt....lol
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