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Las Caletas Brides ~ Post HERE! (THREAD CLOSED)

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I'm a newbie here but my fiance and I are thinking about getting married at LC at the end of the year - looking at December 29th!


We've been chatting with Nicole who's great. Our biggest concerns have been the 1) lack of lighting at night and 2) backup plan if it rains (although I hear it's totally rare in December to rain).


Any input?


BTW, You guys have given so much good information but I'm guessing I'll still be asking questions in many many months to come!



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Light was a concern for me too. But we decided that the location was far more important. It's too gorgeous and exotic to pass up. Have you looked at others photos? There's tons of Las Caletas wedding photos. Is their lighting a huge problem for you? For me, I thought they were still gorgeous.


I did hear that they have Sunday weddings now the same cost as other days. Before it was twice as much. Apparently you have more control over the time of the wedding since there isn't any day tours. You may want to check into that.

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Originally Posted by halef1 View Post

I'm a newbie here but my fiance and I are thinking about getting married at LC at the end of the year - looking at December 29th!

We've been chatting with Nicole who's great. Our biggest concerns have been the 1) lack of lighting at night and 2) backup plan if it rains (although I hear it's totally rare in December to rain).

Any input?

BTW, You guys have given so much good information but I'm guessing I'll still be asking questions in many many months to come!

Kelley said they put so many candles around the island that you can see it from PV! I think it's romantic :)
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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
Kelley said they put so many candles around the island that you can see it from PV! I think it's romantic :)
Wow, how cool is that! There are candles everywhere! It's the coolest sight, they must have a small army going around LC lighting them...lol

Originally Posted by halef1 View Post

I'm a newbie here but my fiance and I are thinking about getting married at LC at the end of the year - looking at December 29th!

We've been chatting with Nicole who's great. Our biggest concerns have been the 1) lack of lighting at night and 2) backup plan if it rains (although I hear it's totally rare in December to rain).

Any input?

BTW, You guys have given so much good information but I'm guessing I'll still be asking questions in many many months to come!

Nicole was my WC, she is awesome. (All of them are) They have covered areas in the event of rain, and Ann and I got married at the start of the rainy season and still got no rain. In December you should have no worries of rain.

As everyone said there are tons of candles (even the bathrooms are candle lit) and I think once you're there you realize you wouldn't want it any other way. It makes this incredibly romantic place even more romantic. You can always bring in battery operated lanterns, we brought a few, but they are so not necessary.
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Ok - another question! I'm so close to booking Las Caletas but saw someone (somewhere in here) mention that they were worried because of how early sunset was going to be for them at LC. I checked a website that said sunset on December 29 2008 will be 5:30 PM.


So what would we do about pics?!!!! Our ceremony would start around 5:30 (true sunset wedding - kinda cool). I know I could take pics with the Bridesmaids beforehand and same for the guys...but what about me and Brian (my fiance!)...


We both feel the pics are important and I know we can get some cool ones at night...but it would be nice to see some in the day - actual beach thing going on.


(AND I'm going to be difficult) He doesn't want to see me before the ceremony...so taking pics before the ceremony is out.


Any experience with this?


:-) Sorry for being a pain...just want to make sure before I book!



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That's a tough one if you are really set on December 29th...I believe the earliest time you can start your ceremony (during the week when they are running the day tours) is at 5:30 - so it could be tough!


Can you change your date to the 28th? I think Sunday weddings can start earlier - because they don't have the tours on Sundays....just something you might want to check into, if the 28th is available.



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You guys are very very smart...hadn't even occurred to me...but I just received an email from Nicole (she's awesome) saying the same thing! On Sunday, the boat could leave at 3:15 which is much better!


I'll definitely talk to Brian about it and go from there!




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I'm also having a TTD session with my photog. Although it won't be our wedding day, we will also get some pics in full sun a few days later. I asked to have a few more formal shots before soaking ourselves.


I'm so jealous of the Sunday weddings. This changed AFTER I sent out my STDs. Oh well, I'm still happy!

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We just got back from our wedding. Jan 5


The pictures of Chris and I were a problem. Why: the sun was setting. Check out the pics on the links below and you can see how its going down fast. There isnt a way to fix this unless your guys come dressed and you immediately begin the ceremony, giving you maybe 20 extra mins of sun. Chris and I had so many members of our families come in from abroad we had to take the time to get group shots, so we ended up with NO beautiful shots of he and I. I am very sad about that but we did a TTD (trashthedress) shot the next day so it didnt make up for it only gave us some more pics we could use as our couple shot. My suggestion would be if you do the schedule Nicole and kelley have set up , which is awesome, anyway is to do your couple shot first...and know that the bridal party and family/friend shots will be in a time period that has little light. You can see the ceremony on our site and then the pics as they were taken and then the darkness. Now the candles are so romantic and beautiful. They really do as others said make a magical setting. You will not be unhappy about anything. Your guests will love the atmosphere and you will have raves about it. But you do have little light for pics and theres nothing you can really do about that other than do your couple pics first and fast. The wedding was beautiful and each bride seems to have a way to make it her own, Las Caletas is a fantastic wedding site. I think you and your FH will LOVE IT. Good luck and congratulations. We had a Blast!!!

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