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I tested the cups in the dishwasher & they were fine. What I didn't check was putting a cold drink in them. The paint would come off when they got cold. I have no idea why. It wasn't a big deal. I still used mine all the time & saw other people using them. The names were still intact, but if you touched it while it was wet some of the paint would smudge on your hands. it washed off easy.


The rub ons were perfect. So I guess a good alternative would be to just do rub-ons.


Also, I think just giving people big cups would be convenient. The cups were so tiny at our resort. I loved having a big cup to fill with diet coke at meals instead of having to keep refilling. I also got a huge margarita made in mine a few times.


Monica used this type of pen Crafts, Etc! ® - 150 Paint Marker & it didn't come off, but her rub-ons did.






I was going to order cups with our logo for our guests. But, I decided just to make them myself & save some money. I also like them having everyone's name so they can keep track of their cup.


The paint does not come off when you stack the cups inside each other, so they will be easy to pack. They are also dishwasher safe.


I'm putting 2 rub-ons on each cup. Some just have 1 right now. I need to go by AC Moore & buy some tropical fish rub-ons.


Here are the costs:

I bought 32 cups at Target in the Christmas clearance section for $4. I got a paint pen for $2.80 at AC Moore. I also bought a page of rub on transfers for $2.99. Each page has 20 rub ons. I still plan to buy 2 more pages of rub ons. The total for 32 cups will be $16 (50 cents each).


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I read this about making your own rub-ons. I thought about making them of our logo, but I don't know how it would turn out on a dark blue cup. I'll probably just stick with a different picture for every one.


Here are the steps:


Like all other scrapbook supplies, Rub-ons are another great way to add to your pages, but also take a good chunk of money out of your pocket as they are not re-usable.

Follow these easy steps, and you can create your own rub-ons and use them over and over again!

You need:

(1)Transparency paper (purchased at your local office supply store, no need to buy the expensive stuff, the local store brand will do just fine)

(2)Inkject Printer

(3)Popsicle Stick


Step 1: Insert the transparency into your inket printer, so that it prints on the SMOOTH side of the transparency.

Step 2: Open your favourite word processing or photo program and create the text/image you want to have as a rub on.

Step 3: Format your printer settings so that it is set to print on "plain paper", "best quality" and "mirror image" (the image needs to be reversed especially if you are printing text or it will appear backwards).

Step 4: Print your "rub-on"

Step 5: Let dry for about 3-5 minutes, careful not to touch it

Step 6: Place the transparency smooth side down onto your project exactly where you want the image/text to appear, holding firmly in place, and rub with a popsicle stick just like you would any other rub on. Don't be afraid to push to hard, and make sure you rub the entire image.

Step 7: Carefully remove the transparency and let ink completey dry before touching

Step 8: Use a damp cloth or paper towel to clean off your transparency and get it ready for your next rub-on, you can re-use the transparency over and over and over again.

TIPS: I recomment that you practice first on a few scraps to get the hang of it. Every ink jet printer is different so you may need to allow more or less drying time before you actually apply your rub-on. Trial, error and patience will get you creating your own UNIQUE rub-ons in no time!

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Originally Posted by StephanieMN View Post
Wow, good for you! You really are a crafty gal aren't you :)

The wedding has brought out my crafty side. I think it's my determination to keep this wedding cheap :)

The cup isn't finished in the dishwasher, but so far it still looks good. I had to peak.
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Thats really cute. You definitely came up with a great idea. I think your guests will love the personalized touch of having their names on it. 1 of my girlfriends was just complaining the other day when I told her that I was getting travel mugs. She said she didnt feel like keeping track of her cup if she put it down being they would all look alike. I told her too bad!

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Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO View Post
Thats really cute. You definitely came up with a great idea. I think your guests will love the personalized touch of having their names on it. 1 of my girlfriends was just complaining the other day when I told her that I was getting travel mugs. She said she didnt feel like keeping track of her cup if she put it down being they would all look alike. I told her too bad!
You could always take a paint pen so people can write their name on it if they want to. They could write it on the bottom if they don't want to write it on the cup.
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
You could always take a paint pen so people can write their name on it if they want to. They could write it on the bottom if they don't want to write it on the cup.
RIGHTTTT, DUH!!! LOL..Now tell me, why didn't I just think of that? smile35.gif
Keep all the great ideas coming!! cheer2.gif
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