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Travel Mugs Arrived -- Not Impressed

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So I have been wondering why I ordered my mugs on Dec. 17 and still had not received a proof.


Well, today, despite having emailed a few times and being told they were working on the artwork -- there were three boxes sitting at my front door.


It's not that I completely dislike them -- they are what I wanted -- but the image is ssoo small. I expected it to be at least double this size.


These pics aren't the greatest -- but here they are.


Sorry they are a bit blurry.


Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.


And this is the image, but in all coral.

Click the image to open in full size.

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Can you read the writing? With it being small, it actually encourages your guests to continue using them after the wedding..If you can't read it well, I would write the company and inquire as to why they didn't respond my line is "in good faith, I cannot recommend your product to the other brides online"... maybe they're redo them for you..


I do like them them.. good find!

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You can read it, but it's just ssoo small.


I will deal with them, but I will be contacting them tomorrow to find out why they were printed and shipped w/o me being sent a proof.


I know someone else's came out really small tlike these -- but they were printed towards the bottom of the mug.


I didn't care for those either -- but it might just be a personal preference since I had in my mind's eye and much bigger print.

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awww that sucks Tammi. I think they look OK. I agree the image should be a little bit bigger. IS there any way of contacting them and getting the order re-done? or at least a discount?

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