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I have read a few of your posts and some of the lingo you have used about the sytle of photography...I don't know what all the terms mean?


I have Tomas Barron booked for my wedding and I have gone back and forth between him and Bradley Fraser...trying to decide if I want to switch.


How do I know what their style is?? Is it on their website? and then if so, how do I know what the lingo is? For example...I want photos so that I can scrapbook book them and remember my wedding day of course..but FI and I both HATE taking photos and we will definately want to keep the posing to a minimum!!!! But I do like the ones that capture the moment or that catch us just doing what we are doing w/out posing...what is this called??


If this is photojournalistic style that someone mentioned that Bradley Does...then maybe i should try hard to switch....



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hi michelle,


from a photographers perspective...


dont worry to much about defined styles. just go with your gut on do you like the images. but make sure you have seen enough images to feel like you can make that decision.


there are a lot of hip terms that mags say are cool, like photojournalism, so many photographer also jump on terms to connect with what is popular.


just find something that speaks to you and talk about why you like it...what is it about the photographer and the images, why are you hiring him or her, that makes you thinjk about it.


good luck.

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Beautiful siggy Jay Reilly!


Have you looked through both photogs portfolio? I hated choosing the photog (no offense to anyone.) It was just a really tough decision because I knew nothing about it!


I just based my decision off who's photos seemed to capture the spirit of the wedding more. If they looked cold and calculated then I didn't want those. I too am dreading the "posing" pictures, but my photogs portfolio seemed to capture more "in the moment" type shots.


I don't know who Tomas Barron is but Bradley has taken some gorgeous photos (from what's been posted on the forum.)

I'm sure you will make the right choice. I bet both are great.

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I agree with Jay Reilly completely, just go with your gut. We looked at some photog's websites, and when I found Ginger's we both knew immediately that she would be our photog no matter where we got married.


Of course, being a member of this forum made me second and third and fourth guess that decision a bit after seeing such amazing pictures on this site, but I knew that we would be thrilled with our decision.


Look at as many pics as you can and trust your instincts. You'll have great pictures, no matter what!

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michelle, we also hate posed photos, which is why we chose bradley fraser as our photographer. what jay said above about photogs sometimes jumping on the bandwagon of something that is "in" i can only partially agree with.


part of the reason i chose bradley is because he has the credentials i was looking for. he is part of the american wedding photojournalism association, which is something you have to be accepted to. i am a journalist and many of the photogs i work with recommend using someone who is part of the association if photojournalism is what you want. you might want to read a little about the difference between photojournalism and art photography. i believe tomas does a cross between fine art photography and photojournalism. i will say he does beautiful work. but in the end, we chose bradley because of his credentials and many recommendations we received.


the point of photojournalism is to capture the story. the best way i can explain it is that a photojournalist captures the verbs and a regular photographer captures nouns. not to say a photojournalist doesnt also capture the nouns, but photojournalism captures more raw emotion, IMO. a friend of mine who got married in october had a traditional photog, and her pictures were all posed. while they look nice, they also look typical, and are devoid of the feelings of the day. some of them are extremely cheesy and we winced while looking at them.


i think drea used tomas barron, you should talk to her and look at her photos and see if that's what you are looking for. remember also, you picked tomas for a reason. like so many girls say on here, once you make a decision, stop looking for other vendors providing the same service. of course you will like other photogs, some maybe even better than the one you already picked. but you did pick someone for a reason and maybe you shouldnt second guess yourself :)

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i agree with whats being said about labels.


the best advice i can give is look at photographers work and if you find yourself feeling something in your gut when you look at the pics and saying THATS what i want my wedding to look like - then youre on to something. but heres the deal - there will be more than one photographer who probably makes you feel that way - some wont be available, some will be too expensive, some wont work out for other reasons... but theres someone out there for you. i know it! if they have a blog, read it. i think thats a great indicator of consistency in work AND a bit about the photographers personality.

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Great info maura..thanks!


That is me to a T...second guessing everything i do. I only looked at maybe 3 or 4 photographers sites when choosing and i was price sensitive. At the time Bradley was one that I looked at and so I did choose Tomas because I liked what I saw on his website.


I don't have high standards...so I liked what I saw. Then some of the girls who used Tomas weren't in love with their pics so I began looking at other sites and saw bradley's and really liked his. But at this point I am still waiting to see if he is available for my date but I'm thinking maybe I should just stick w/ my first choice...I want to cross things off my list not create a larger one... :)

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