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Needing Powerpoint help

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Paging Maria, lol! Or if anyone else is around. Ok, let me try to explain this so everyone will know what I need.


When creating a text box, I try to make it rather large. But when making the words larger, they go outside the box no matter how big the box is and it won't let me make the box larger. And then upon saving as a pic, or whatever it will cut off everything that is not in the box. I have been fighting with this for 2 days now..... Help!

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Originally Posted by Just Martha View Post
Are you are dragging the box to the side to make it wider?

yes and it drags then goes back to the smaller size. It is really only on some fonts, like with letters that are bubbly or very large. It is really ok, except for when I save it and it cuts it off!
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I know what you're talking about. Some fonts (especially the ones that look like handwriting or scroll/script type) won't fit within the box size that you have. Sometimes, you can resize the box and then change the text size to be smaller inside that text box. But, it's a PITA and only works about 50% of the time.


You may need to add a shape behind your text box and remove the color from the shape. That way, when you group the image and save it as a JPEG, it will define the image boundaries based on your shape size, not the text box inside of that.


If that doesn't make sense, email me what you need and I'll play around with it....





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