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okay, maybe "do-it-yourself" isn't the best term here... How about "do-it-forum"?? grouphug.gif


So I'm trying to make my menu cards it will be one layer of white cardstock on top of a layer of metallic cardstock. The questions is... how do I stick them together?? Glue stick, glue gun, double sided tape? huh.gif I'm clueless here.



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bre - i am assuming you are going to print on the white and then attach to the metallic - right? if so, i suggest paper glue - if you use regular glue then it will dry with little 'bleed' dots on the metallic. take 1 piece of each with you to the craft store and ask someone what type of glue they recommend...tell them you want it to be permantent adhesive and not have any drying stains.


if you use double sided tape or glue stick the pieces will probably slide apart - especially if they get hot during travel

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so scrap booking tape will hold up in travel and heat? I feel so clueless...


My FMIL had to go with me to Michael's to buy the paper but I didn't think about attaching the two. she works there and I think she was almost embarrassed by my lack of knowledge. I won't be getting to many invites to craft fairs! Ha!

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Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
I used double sided tape to adhere the white cardstock to dark brown paper.. then I used a glue dot ripped in half to adhere the crystal.

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Did you indicate on the menu or on the place card who ordered what entree?
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i've been attaching everything with eyelets (scrapbooking section of michaels). i like the way eyelets and brad look; i feel like they add something to the paper.


here's a pic (but a bad one) of my menus, eyelets at top of both. wound up using design at right, and put dark raffia between eyelets. then stuck one glue dot at bottom so that part stayed attached.

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here's my oot tag before hanging. it's a better pic of the eyelets.

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also, ask FMIL what to use!

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Originally Posted by bre View Post
Did you indicate on the menu or on the place card who ordered what entree?
The menus were all the same (both entree choices listed).. guests picked beforehand and indicated their choice on the rsvp card..

Then I had starfish placecards.. the ribbons indicated food choices for the wait staff to see..blue: fish, brown: beef.

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