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Baby Gifts From Unusual People.


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I'm so glad you kept the gifts ... and that psycho-girl didn't get the response she was looking for. I'm sorry ... you don't "forget" the mother's name on a baby gift without intending to get some sort of reaction. in any event, you have a lot of great gifts and she's out a bunch of money - and pride. see ... this website is so great - gives you a chance to consider your response and get feedback!


I give you kudos, though ... knowing me, i would probably have flown off the handle and sent the whole lot back! :-)

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Originally Posted by BrandiB01 View Post
I think you did the best thing possible: Kill 'em with kindness. It will probably really eat at her too.....
You're response is perfect ... I dealt with the same thing when my FI first moved back to Texas from Chicago. We worked in the same ER and most of the nurses worked with FI and I at another hospital - so we have been friends for years. Everyone knew that he'd moved back for me. There was a nurse (who I had not known well previously) who constantly flirted with him after I started working part-time to go to school (apparently a lot of hair-twirling, giggling, and eyelash batting). Of course, my other girlfriends told me about it ... she even went as far as to ask "Are you dating exclusively?" She would talk about my FI to other nurses (I don't think that she realized I was friends with so many of them). When I would see her, I was always very polite. I never tried to hang on FI or make signs of "claiming" ... The bottom line is - she's had to listen to the others go on about how beautiful my ring is, how exciting the wedding is going to be, etc ...

My point - as soon as you have your beautiful baby --- crazy-nurse is going to have to listen to everyone else rave about how beautiful he is, how perfect, and she's going to have to think about him being decked out in all these amazing things she bought him ... all the while KNOWING that Aiden and Brian --- and this amazing life that you share with them --- IS NOT HERS!!!

And, if it gets worse, THEN I vote for Lauren C.'s approach :)
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I don't recall verbatim what I wrote, but it was basically something like:


Dear [NAME]


Thank you so much for thinking of our baby and giving us such lovely gifts! Everything is absolutely adorable and I'm sure Aiden will have fun with all of them. Brian and I are very excited about the arrival of our son and appreciate all the generousity you and the other nurses have shown us with the lovely gifts. You will have to stop by and visit Aiden and I in the maternity ward.



Jessica L----


I was going to do something subtle like mention my HUSBAND a few times, or something along those lines, but I figure hey, if I don't even sound bothered by her passive aggressive attempts, that will just eat her up even more.


Actually now I've moved on from being pissed about it, to just thinking it's really funny!


Thanks again for all the feedback ladies. You make me feel better about these things.

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