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How to tell guests your registered!!!

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So I have a slight dilema. I am having a wedding in cabo and then two days after we get back I am having an AHR. I am trying to figure out how and where to tell guests that I am registered. I originally was not going to but know that people will buy gifts no matter what, and its easier for them if they know what... anyways (didnt want you guys to think Im greedy for want gifts :o) So, am I supposed to tell people where I am registered in the invite or I on my website or at all? I dont want to be rude and put it on the invite (basically telling them I am expecting a gift) which I DEFINETLY am not. Ok I am rambling on, but does this make sense... any advice?

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I know the feeling. I actually took the "tacky" route because constantly had people asking me where i was registered. I didn't have an AHR, but those who couldn't make the wedding really wanted to send gifts, and so did some of the wedding guests. Also, I didn't really register for anything super expensive because after years of living together we had a lot of stuff (so that made me feel less guilty about sharing my list!).


Anyway, I just included a brief list of registered places in our STD newsletter.


In your case, I would put it on the website since you have one. I think that's the perfect spot. I wouldn't include it with the invite though, just include your website address with the invite.


Wow... now who's rambling!?

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We just have it on our website. I have a separate link that is called "Gift Registry" and it has the places listed with links to the online stores (Home Depot, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Macys and a Honeymoon Registry). We are not asking for or expecting gifts either, but have had people ask, so I went ahead and registered for a few things.

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Originally Posted by Christine View Post
we put it on our website and of course had family and friends spread the word for us.
Exactly what I was going to suggest! It's always nicer to have family/friends spread the word, and the website is totally appropriate.
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Well looks like everyone is doing the same thing, which was what I was going to do but just wanted to make sure.... you want people to know what to give you but then again you dont want to shove it in their faces to buy you something. SO thanks everyone for helping me out!

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I didn't post in anywhere and yet somehow they all found it. I really only did it for my relatives who really wanted to get us gifts. But somehow all my friends found it too. Nobody really asked me and the few who did I asked to please not get us anything. As long as your mom and bridesmaids know, everyone else will find out.

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