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Since we are now getting married here we thought we should still send out invites now to our out of town guests so they can book travel and hotel. These will be going out Monday. Just thought I would share with you.



They are folders and here is the front

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Click the image to open in full size.


Heidi fixed the colors on the logo so they look MUCH better ( Thanks!!)




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this picture is small but you can kind of see what we have done. The invite is taped to the inside of the folder and the rest of the information is tucked inside.



Click the image to open in full size.

This is information on where to book, how to get to the site and our RSVP card.


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Here is the invite.

I blurred out the time because just about any wacko can come to the site at that time and crash our party. Only BDW girls can crash my party!!

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Originally Posted by DLyteful View Post
Wow Stephanie I LOVE your invites. Are they DIY? Too cute!!!!

Thanks. Yes I did all this stuff myself. I spent most of today swearing at my printer beacuse I only had a few demo papers left to test on!!
I recommend, if you do these things with your FI, that you have him collect all the info then you can make it pretty. That is what we did and it worked well. He wrote it up and I made it girly.
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Originally Posted by beachbride08 View Post
Very pretty, great job! Are you sending the same ones to your local guests or doing something different?
I had gone out and bought some "really nice" ( read--expensive) ribbon and so that ribbon is going to replace the cheaper pink ribbon on the in-town invites. They will not be getting the folder as we only bought 20 of them since our guest list was a smaller when we were having a DW. So that was the trade off-- people who get folders get cheap JoAnn ribbon and in-town people get nicer ribbon from boutique but no folder. I swear to God I thought people would compare their invites and that I would have to explain this---so odd am I!smile41.gif
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