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Originally Posted by DreaW View Post
Jessica, so how's the puppy doing? Not keeping you up at night is she? I love puppies, I wish I could have one. I have my dog with me and she acts like a puppy though she is 10 years old :)
Haha. At least your dog is potty trained! She's doing ok. She doesn't keep me up much at night. We do crate her at night just so we don't wake up to doggy pee and poop everywhere, but she's out and about all day. She does cry a little when we crate her at night, but after about 5 minutes she's ok.

She did actually pee outside today which is good! I just wish she had done more to really get her scent out there. But hey, it's only been a few days, so I'm taking what I can get!

Originally Posted by CaliaA07 View Post
Awwwwwww...what an adorable puppy. I wish I could have a puppy. Stupid apartments! But when I move to CO I'm getting a pet damn it! Congratulations!!!!!!!
I know! That's totally why we didn't have a dog before. Darn apartment living. Definitely get a pet when you move to CO!
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