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Yoga style


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Originally Posted by BrittneyD View Post
I am thinking about starting a yoga class. There are so many styles, I don't really know where to start. Do any of you have any suggestions?
depends on what you'd like to get out of the class? i really like Vinyasa Yoga, it's repetitive, warm, and strengthens/tightens everything. I practice regularly Bikram Yoga, but it's pretty intense. the room is heated to 110 degrees and 30% humidity, lasts 90 minutes.

i say give some of them a try and you'll figure out which one meets your needs.
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ah, a topic that is near and dear to my heart! rolleyes.gif


I take three kinds of classes ~ Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga and Power. Of these, my favorite by far is Ashtanga.


Vinyasa Flow is sequencing different yoga poses together in a constant flow, so you're always moving, but you're moving with your breath. There is usually a brief pause between poses. These classes can range in difficulty to beginner, moderate, advanced and all levels.


My personal favorite are the Ashtanga classes, but I'd classify them as being more for moderate to advanced students. Ashtanga is the oldest branch of yoga asanas (asanas are the physical poses of yoga) and largely focuses on meditation, the poses and movement with breath. I would say these are vigorous and intense classes, and wouldn't recommend it for beginners. It is what the ancient yogis (male yoga practitioners) and yoginis (female yoga practitioners) practiced. It is the exact same sequence of poses done in 90 minutes. I feel my best after a good, tough Ashtanga class.


One of the branches of Ashtanga is Power Yoga ~ it's pretty much the Americanized version of the ancient Ashtanga! I recommend Power Yoga for any athletes or people who work out regularly. It's usually a tough class (physically), but you leave feeling like you put your body through the ringer (which I love every now and then!). Usually, a Power Yoga class will end up focusing on a particular area of your body and concentrate on poses that use those muscles. Power Yoga does NOT pause between poses like other styles, you just go directly from one pose to another.


There are MANY other branches of yoga, I just haven't tried any others. Here are some styles:

- Iyengar - focusing on the accuracy of each posture, designed to understand how the body works

- Kundalini - focusing on chanting and breathing and less on the postures

- Anusara - 'heart oriented' and focus on alignment and balance

- Bikram (Hot Yoga) - just like Lorilou described


...and there are SO MANY more styles out there.


A quick note...some studios/gyms offering yoga classes may have a class of 'Hatha Yoga.' Hatha yoga is NOT a style...it encompasses all of the styles above. Hatha Yoga's definition is "yoga’s physical discipline that focuses on developing control of the body through asanas or poses." Usually, if a place lists Hatha as a class, they're most likely talking about gentle Vinyasa Flow (from my experiences).


If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask away. I am very passionate about yoga!!


Here are an articles I wrote for a yoga studio I go to, if you're interested, it's titled 'Yoga Benefits for Everyone: OPEN, DISCOVER and AWAKEN to the healing power of yoga': Shakti: Yoga. Healing. Arts.

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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
Okay you are officially a yoga master! That's awesome Heidi. All I know about yoga is my Rodney Yee dvd and I don't know what kind of yoga he does but it feels good...lol
Usually he's doing Power Yoga or Vinyasa Flow. I have one of his DVDs also, but yoga is SOOOOO much better in a class environment! You'd swear your arms are parallel and a teacher can come by and readjust you so they actually are. Plus, the energy of a classroom environment can't be beat! rolleyes.gif
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Wow Heidi...you really know your stuff. Your posts were extremly helpful. I found a studio near my house that has a beginner series that starts in January. I think I will start ther, and see what happens. They do Hatha and Vinyasa flo. I have never excericed much, so I don't want to do anything to hard core. Do you think that sounds good?

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Originally Posted by BrittneyD View Post
Wow Heidi...you really know your stuff. Your posts were extremly helpful. I found a studio near my house that has a beginner series that starts in January. I think I will start ther, and see what happens. They do Hatha and Vinyasa flo. I have never excericed much, so I don't want to do anything to hard core. Do you think that sounds good?
yeah, I think that's the perfect starting point! Have fun! I never expected yoga to become such an important part of my life!
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