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Am I a crazy over protective fiancee?


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Shawn would hate me if I told him he couldn't play. Well, he wouldn't listen and he'd play anyway... but still. When you hit a certain age it's very difficult to get a group of guys together to play sports. Eventually everyone gets married and has kids and can't come out as often. A flag football team gives the guys a chance to be guys. And honestly they don't get hurt THAT often in flag football.

But, with that said I will now tell you a funny story (although probably not funny for the bride to be). So, at softball this summer a guy was talking about how he was getting married that Saturday (this was Monday) and that his bride tried to tell him not to play. Well, it's softball and you typically don't get hurt so he promised not to slide but still played. Well, he plays third base. So, one of our guys is up to bat and he hits a line drive... to third base... breaking the guys EYE SOCKET!!! Yup, it hit the poor guy straight in the face! Talk about disappointing wedding pictures :)

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
Here's the story-
2 weeks ago FI broke his nose playing flag football. Some guy accidentally elbowed him and gave him a nice bloody, crooked nose. I took a day off work to go with FI to the doc to get his nose replaced.

Did he really get his nose replaced?! smile120.gif

I don't think he should play, but there's probably not much you can do about it. Your wedding is far enough away so if something happens, it will be healed in time.
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Originally Posted by starfish kate View Post
Did he really get his nose replaced?! smile120.gif

I don't think he should play, but there's probably not much you can do about it. Your wedding is far enough away so if something happens, it will be healed in time.
haha never thought of that wording. Funny. He had it popped back into place, but I'm sure he wanted it REPLACED. It's still very crooked.

He has the option of surgery even if he doesn't hurt his nose again. The doctor said that insurance won't consider it cosmedic because they are attempting to fix an injured nose. Luckily, the league he is in provides coverage as well so he is double covered. He is just waiting to see once the swelling is completely gone if he can live with the crook.

I wasn't trying to stop him from playing although I wish he would listen to my suggestion :). I didn't know if I was crazy for wanting him to not play because I was paranoid. His friend had a severe head injury two weeks before and forgot everything for 4 days. He was married the week before and couldn't remember it. He even asked why he had so many presents in his living room when we took him home after the E.R. visit. That idiot still played the next week. Guys baffle me.

I guess I somewhat understand though because I too was a sports freak in my younger days. In college, I was hit in the eyebrow with a line drive and it gave me a hairline fracture and a few stitches. I ended up losing half my eyebrow until it regrew in a few years later. I still played in all my games but I thought it was more serious than boys tossing around a football on a Saturday. But I suppose that is serious to them.
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