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Yo Mamma Jokes


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When I was a kid we would pass time telling these jokes. It was never personal but sometimes kids would forget it was a game and run off crying . . . then they would come back an hour later with a good line and it started all over again. Got a classic? Share it!




~Yo momma's so old she was a waitress at the last supper


~Yo momma's so dumb it takes her an hour to make minute rice


~Yo momma's so skinny she can dodge raindrops


~Yo momma's so short you can see her feet on her driver's license


~Yo momma's so tall she jumped and hit her head on the moon


~Yo momma's so old she left her purse on Noah's Ark


~Yo momma's so ugly for Halloween she trick or treats on the phone


~Yo momma's so dumb she studied for a blood test


~Yo momma's so poor people rob her house for practice


~Yo momma's so old her birth certificate expired


~Yo momma's so dumb she got locked in a bathroom and wet her pants


~Yo momma's so poor she married young just to get the rice


~Yo momma's so old she owes King Arthur $5


~Yo momma's so dumb she threw a rock at the ground and missed


~Yo momma's so ugly they put her face on a milk carton and it spoiled


~Yo momma's so poor she can't afford to pay attention


~Yo momma's so old she taught King Tut hieroglyphics

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LOL! I remember these jokes! (I have a few...hope I didnt repeat any from above) The funniest part I remember about these jokes is that my sister and I used to do them to each other!


Here goes:


Yo mama so dumb, she thought a quarterback was a refund


Yo mama so dumb, when you said, man, its chilly outside, she ran outside with a bowl and a spoon


Yo mama so dumb, she thought she had a twin when she looked in the mirror


Yo mama so old, she squirts powdered milk out of her nipples


Yo mama so dumb, she asked,"What is the number to 911?"


Yo mama so fat, they had to change "One size fits all" to "One size fits most!"


Yo mama so fat she had to get baptized at Sea World


Yo mama so dumb, on education under her job application, she wrote "Hooked on Phonics worked for me!"


Yo mama so skinny, she has to use a belt with spandex


Yo mama so old, her social security # is 1


Yo mama so old, she knew Burger King when he was still a prince




Ok, that's enough! I could go on for days! I cant believe we used to use those! looooool smile105.gif

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Originally Posted by twinkletoes View Post
LOL! I remember these jokes! (I have a few...hope I didnt repeat any from above) The funniest part I remember about these jokes is that my sister and I used to do them to each other!

Here goes:

Yo mama so dumb, she thought a quarterback was a refund

Yo mama so dumb, when you said, man, its chilly outside, she ran outside with a bowl and a spoon
LMAO! Those 2 are classics! My brother and I used to do them to each other too, good times :o)
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