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Off Your Chest


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Dear Self,


Get yourself together and start cooking and eating healthier meals for you and your family. We all will be healthier and live longer! Stop procrastinating, get on it today!!! Tomorrow is not promised!smile105.gif

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Dear self,

I know it's only a week until you leave but you really need to keep the squealing to a minimum, it's not professional.


Dear dentist,

Why is your office open if no dr's are in today? Are you running a business or not? I chipped my front tooth this weekend and it's driving me crazy and now I have to wait another day for you to look at it. Maybe I should just file it myself, it can't be that hard right?


Dear oscar cat,

I'm sorry I had to take you to the vet, but bud your face is a mess and we really need to figure out what's wrong with it.


Dear FI,

I know the thought of buying a new car is super exciting, but we are leaving for our wedding in 1 week, let's hear some obessive talk about that.

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Dear FIL's:

I love you dearly, but the OCD you have about FI is borderline disturbing. And the 'clique' mentality really should have ended on your high school graduation day. My family didn't come out to celebrate FI's 40th birthday dinner just to sit around being ignored because you were too busy slamming jager-bombs and dominating FI's time. When I see you behave like this, it really makes me question whether I want to spend a buttload of money on a wedding where FI and I will spend the entire time apart because you will want to have all his attention and I will spend the rest of the time trying to prevent everyone else from being left out.


And by the way---- if it didn't come out of your pocketbook, then it's really not cool to offer the entire bar the food & drinks that *we* are paying for.


Just an FYI---- it's generally not looked upon as 'parent of the year' behavior to force your 14 year old son to stay out until 2:00am after he's been running ROTC drills since 6am just so you can drink and party with FI's friends.

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Dear Self,


You had your son over 5 years ago niow and you still look like you are 4 months pregnant. THAT IS SO NOT COOL. YOU WERe once a vain girl. Wearing only mid driff shirts and navel rings. Now you cant even wear a tight fitting shirt. Oh yea Please stop using the fact that you have DDD breast as an excuse to not exercise. If you want to wear that dress next year get your ass in gear and stop eating ice cream.


oh by the way you have a fat ass too.

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Dear Katherine,


You will look beautiful on your wedding day no matter what!


Dear Maria,

Please never stop hanging out with your in laws because it gives us all a laugh at your encounters with them!

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Dear body..


We had this talk before, why didn't you listen to me? I took my first round of Clomid this cycle and NOTHING, zip, no difference at all with my LP,,, I mean come on, you could have at least humored me and added a day, would that have been too much to ask?

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Dear WC at Beaches,


Answer my f-ing emails. I don't know why it is so hard for you to give me the simple things that I request. Pics of flowers, cake and ceremony sites. I mean, that has to be the simplest requests that you can get being a WC. I gave you extra time cuz I thought maybe I was being ridic when I wanted this info from you when I still had 9-10 months until my wedding. Well, I am almost at 6 months and I am starting to freak out.


Don't make me come down there,


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Dear self,

Calm down.


Dear SIL,

Yes, I do realize that my brother is your husband and that you deserve to be the one to see him first when he gets home from the Air Force. I totally understand and do not begrudge you that honor. What I DON'T understand is how you can allow your skanky mother to be the one to come along with you, especially when we've already had this discussion that I want to go to the airport with you to pick him up. You know that Jared & I are best friends and have been looking forward to seeing eachother too. You also know that Jared wants me to be there when he gets home. If you were going alone, I'd have no problem, but the fact that you're bringing your mother (who is evil, who has stolen thousands of dollars from you and suddenly just because she "found Jesus" you've decided everything she ever did was ok) instead of men, especially when you're driving 3 hours, but literally will go RIGHT PAST my house and don't see the need to bring me is unthinkable. I hate to throw things up in your face, but let's not mention all that I have done for you, Jared, & Ava. Let's not mention the $5,000 I spent to bring you to my wedding in Cabo, let's not mention the thousands I've lent you over the years, the advice, the friendship, etc. etc. etc. I just want to see my brother before he moves 14 hours away- is that so much to ask.


Dear brother,

Thank you for calling me yesterday and letting me know that you've talked SIL into letting me pick you up from the airport. I really didn't have a right to go off on you on the phone like that, but you know I was upset. You know I hate your MIL with a passion (and I know you do too lol) so you know why I was furious that she was going to the airport, not me. Thanks for understanding that I was upset because we've always been so close and now you're moving away again. I'm glad that Jeff & I are picking you up and SIL & your MIL are going to pick you up at our house a couple hours later. I'm glad you helped your wife realize that she's going to be moving with you, and she gets to see you for the next several months- I get 2 days. Thanks for helping her realize it wasn't fair for her to bring her mother instead of me,and that you'd rather see me & Jeff than her. I hope you have a safe trip home, see you Wednesday!


Dear Jeff,

Thanks for calming me down (although I'm still irritated about this, just on principle). You understand how close Jared & I are and know what we've gone through in our lives that has made us this way. You helped me understand that SIL probably wasn't being malicious, but didn't want to inconvenience me by asking me to go to the airport- yes, I know I'm strange because I want to go- you've made that clear! But, I never see helping out my brother as an inconvenience. Thanks for talking me through this until Jared called, and not letting me make that phone call that I wanted to make to my SIL to tell her off- I wouldn't really mean it. Thanks for understanding.


Dear any BDW member that just actually read all that,

This thread is very therapeutic. I needed to get all that out because i was frickin PISSED this weekend. Ahhh, much better now.

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Sarah you are so cute, I read it and yes you have every right to see your brother and its no irrational to want to spend time with him since he's been gone for so long and will be moving soon. Good for you for standing your ground

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