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Diet Patch


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OK there is this show that used to be on in Canada called Street Cents. And basically they test products and stuff. Long story short they tested this and all it is is a sticker. Literally. Theres nothing in it at all to help you lose weight. And they tried calling the company and all they could get was a busy signal every time and the address for the company was just a PO box. So dont waste your money!

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i never heard of a diet patch? also for whatever it is worth carly - you are a tiny little thing and totally adorable and don't need to be on a diet patch. i know that every woman deals with her own body stuff and you need to feel good for yourself but that is my opinion if it matters!!! :)

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Thanks Alyssa! It means alot to hear it. I just have been feeling bad lately, cuz I've put on weight since I met Matt almost 2 years ago. I had lost weight and my clothes were almost too big that I was going to start having to buy the next size smaller, now I am in the next bigger size! Which still isn't big, I am not trying to lose crazy weight, just a few lbs. But I travel 3 hours a day to and from work (total) and go to school at night, so there is like NO time to workout. Plus, let's be honest. I HATE WORKING OUT!

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Originally Posted by carlymcmullen View Post
Thanks Alyssa! It means alot to hear it. I just have been feeling bad lately, cuz I've put on weight since I met Matt almost 2 years ago. I had lost weight and my clothes were almost too big that I was going to start having to buy the next size smaller, now I am in the next bigger size! Which still isn't big, I am not trying to lose crazy weight, just a few lbs. But I travel 3 hours a day to and from work (total) and go to school at night, so there is like NO time to workout. Plus, let's be honest. I HATE WORKING OUT!
i hear you! maybe just do 1 little thing every other day - like sit ups or push ups or something and you will feel better!!!smile03.gif
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Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 View Post
i never heard of a diet patch? also for whatever it is worth carly - you are a tiny little thing and totally adorable and don't need to be on a diet patch. i know that every woman deals with her own body stuff and you need to feel good for yourself but that is my opinion if it matters!!! :)
I actually read the thread title, and that it was from Carly, and thought the EXACT same thing! My 2 cents - you look great Carly! If you really want to lose a little weight, maybe just watching what you eat with some simple things like crunches or pushups? But seriously, you're crazy if you think you need to lose an ounce :)
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Carly, I feel the same as you and have tried many quick fix products, and let me tell you there are NONE!! When I got married, I was a size 10, two children and about 20 years later I'm up to a 14. Now that we're renewing our vows next year, we both made a decision to eat healthier and take a little time out of our busy work schedules and do some type of exercise. I like the hip hop abs workout because it doesn't feel like a workout but just dancin. I too hate workin out and this helps me not think about the workout but just havin fun!! Take it one day at a time and you will see soma azaming results! Good luck!

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