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My face is a mess!


I've never really had a problem with pimples or greasiness, but the last 3 months have been awful. I went to the dermatoligist in the begining of September (of course my face was clear for the visit) and was presribed a gel to clear everything up. I was also told to use Cetaphil Moisturizer and I have been using Purpose Face Wash for the past 10 years (which is also dermatoligist recommended). I think the moisturizer is too heavy and greasy. I am litterally wiping my face 3 times a day, it is soo gross.


Anyone have any recommendations for moisturizers? Anything that fights acne is a plus, but not neccessary.



TIA! smile78.gif

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Originally Posted by trisha0612 View Post
I actually use proactiv! I never had had acne..but couldn't stand a breakout when it happened! I love it!
I use this as well. Not everyday but I like the moisturizer that it comes with. They also have the mask that you can use as a spot treatment which comes in handy!
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