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black & white pictures with color accents

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Originally Posted by lambert13 View Post
Good job on those Morgan! Which method did you use? For me, I find that the layer mask method works the best.
Thanks! I used the piant brush in photoshop to paint the background black & white. It got a little trickier in tight places. I plan on testing out the different methods. I read the layer method is better, but I haven't gone through the steps of how to do it yet. It was getting too late & I needed to go to sleep. I'm excited to play around with more pictures today.
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Originally Posted by lambert13 View Post
I know what you mean about how tricky the brush can be in the really detailed areas. Every time I play with photoshop I end up going to bed way too late.

Yep, it's one of those things where I could have stayed up past midnight playing with it. My fiance has things he also gets hooked on & stays up too late so we had to set a bedtime. So I had to shut down photoshop at 10:30pm.
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