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How to know how many calories you need


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Afterseeing some talk of calories on the shout box, I thought I'd post all that I know about losing weight. Add to it or correct me if I got something wrong.


Here is a calculator to see how many calories you need.


Calorie Calculator - Daily Caloric Needs


This is just an estimate, but I've always found it to work pretty well. If I am working out 5xs per week, I get 2000 calories. If I cut 250 calories per day, I will lose 1/2 lb per week. When I keep track & do this it really works just like that for me.


For every 3500 calories cut, you should lose a pound. Again, this is just an estimate and people may vary. Unless you have been drastically over eatting, you shouldnt cut more than 500 calories per day. So if you did 500 per day, you could lose 1 lb per week. You can also cut 250 calories & exercise off 250 & lose 1lb per week.


I think the best thing to do is to start writting down everything you eat for the week & total up the calories. Maybe don't even start dieting that week. Just get prepaired. Then see easy places to cut back, like soft drinks or empty calories. After that start looking for more filling foods to replace food that doesn't fill you up. I find that if I eat an apple at lunch (only 81 cal) I am much fuller & don't need to eat as much. I also switched to a higer fiber cereal. Fiber is usually the key to getting full on less calories, but you have to add it in slowly. I think women need about 20-30 grams. I can't have more than 25 grams without feeling sick. Figure out what works for you.


As you lose weight, you have to recalculate your calorie needs. You will start to need less & then have to start eating less. I think this is a big reason people hit plateus.


After getting the basic formula down, the hard part is sticking to it. I'm always looking for healthy, filling meals that make it easy to stick with it. I also find fun ways to exercise. It doesn't have to be torture. I'm actually much happier when I'm eating right. I cook yummier food. When I'm lazy, I start to eat bad stuff I can throw together fast.

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Originally Posted by JenandBrendan View Post
WOW - I really was on the low side. (Don't worry though, I made up for it last night - ooops!!!) Anyway, it says I should be at 1520 for intense fat loss. I can TOTALLY stick to that. Thanks again for your help ladies. I am back on track today.
Yeah, I was really worried when you said you only had 900. Too few can slow your metabolism.
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This is something that I have spent a lot of time (and money sad.gif looking into. I actually went last night to meet with a nutritionist to actually put together a meal plan to get me at my goal weight by the next 7 weeks. The key is to measure EVERYTHING. She said that is the biggest problem with people not losing weight. I also now track everything in FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal. My goal is 1400 calories everyday (including weekend) and that each day 40% of my calories come from carbs, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat.


She also stressed taking out anything with little nutritional value, i.e. 100 calorie packs, etc. She has me eating 100 calories before the gym, 300 calorie breakfast, 400 calorie lunch, two 100 calorie snacks, and 400 calorie dinner. In addition, 4 days one hour cardio and 2 days one hour circuit weight training.


Its strict but only 7 weeks so hopefully it will work! Anyone can PM me if they have any questions!

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