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How do you clean your ring?

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If you don't want to purchase a bunch of appliances, my jeweler recommended cleaning it with gentle soap like ivory and a toothbrush. Then to dry it, you can use a hairdryer. However, if you want it to look really fantastic, I think a steam cleaner is the way to go. It get rid of the grime underneath the stone, not just the top. My jeweler sells a small personal one called the Jewel Jet and I'm pretty sure I'm going to purchase one. I just took it to him to get professionally cleaned and it looked more sparkly than when I use my ultrasonic machine (yeah, i got one of those too).

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Originally Posted by sandyroo View Post
My jeweler sells a small personal one called the Jewel Jet and I'm pretty sure I'm going to purchase one.
Jewel Jet! I couldn't remember the name and it's been driving me crazy! Thank you!

And after you buy one, will you please post a little blip about it, since I've been toying with it, as well.

Now I can stop racking my brain! Hooray!
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So is it bad if I just use the store bought jewelry cleaner? You know the stuff in the red jar that has a little brush to get into the hard to reach spots? My ring looks awesome after it's cleaned with it.

I also find that lotion get's my ring looking foggy and smudged so I take it off before applying any.

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Originally Posted by Wisco4 View Post
So is it bad if I just use the store bought jewelry cleaner? You know the stuff in the red jar that has a little brush to get into the hard to reach spots? My ring looks awesome after it's cleaned with it.
I also find that lotion get's my ring looking foggy and smudged so I take it off before applying any.
I hope it's not bad...that's what I use too!
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I just went to the jeweler the other day & asked this same question because I was sooo ready to purchase jewelry cleaner. He adamantly discouraged the use of "over the counter" (lol) jewelry cleaners. He said that in many cases those solutions can actually damage the diamond & he would not recommend cleaning the ring that way. According to him its actually the pressure from the machines (steamers) that they use that cleans the stones, not any solution. So he suggested that when I want it cleaned to bring it in to him or any other jeweler. The benefit from that is they warn you if you have any loose stones, which I had. He scared me because he said that my stone was loose & he was surprised that I hadn't lost it.


He said that once in a while I could use plain Windex and that would do the job as well!


So, I guess the debate continues. I know one thing, the way my ring sparkled when I left, made me fall in love with it all over again!pinkie.gif

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I think it's fine to clean it often. It's polishing you want to only do 1-2 times a year.


A friend in a lab near mine cleans her's in their sonicator. I think that's the same as the ultrasonic jewelry cleaners. I need to see if I can make the same set up in my lab, or take it to her's. The sonicators are cheap on ebay (~$30).

DIGITAL ULTRASONIC CLEANER JEWELRY WATCH DIAMOND DENTAL - (eBay item 220146055899 end time Sep-05-07 09:45:00 PDT)

Anyone know if something like this is any good?


I'm heading to the mall this weekend, so i'll just drop it off some place. I think just about any store will do it for free to get you in the door. I just wanted to know what to do on my own. I don't go to the mall that often.

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My friend's husband is a jeweler and he gave me some cleaner stuff. I forget what it's called, I will have to look. It is like a huge vat. But I have to boil water and then dumb it in for it to work. I always take it to him just so he can steam it every now and then (but not often). He told me a quick way to clean it is to use rubbing alcohol. Just get a little q-tip and dab it in rubbing alcohol and then blot it on your ring. It leaves it pretty shiny! (although not as fabulous as when you steam it).

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I'm heading to the mall this weekend, so i'll just drop it off some place. I think just about any store will do it for free to get you in the door. I just wanted to know what to do on my own. I don't go to the mall that often.
I'd be a little weary about just dropping your ring off... It doesn't take long and they usually do it in front of you if you want. I'd wait and watch them do it. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I'd be afraid that they'd replace my diamond with a cubic.... smile27.gif
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Originally Posted by starfish kate View Post
I'd be a little weary about just dropping your ring off... It doesn't take long and they usually do it in front of you if you want. I'd wait and watch them do it. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I'd be afraid that they'd replace my diamond with a cubic.... smile27.gif
That's so funny that you said that cuz I did exactly that a few weeks ago at a jewelry shop in the building I work in and was so paranoid about it I RAN back down there after 10 minutes to retrieve it! LOL!! smile41.gif

All I could think about was, "How long would it take to replace a diamond!?!?!?" I think I'll wait in the store from now on! smile36.gif
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