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Who loves to Read???


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Ahhhh!! SO glad I found this! I jotted down so many books to add to my list to read! LOVE LOVE reading!! When I was a kid, me being "grounded" consisted of my mom taking my books away - not banning me from TV..hahaha.


For all you out there in love with Twilight series you MUST read the Mortal Instruments series! I actually ended up liking them better than Twilight, which I didn't think was possible.


Just started The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo today.

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Cool I just found this thread! I will have to go back and read all of the previous entries to jot down some future reads :) Just wanted to add a few VERY good books I've recently finished reading - they're different, but really addictive reads :)


- Virgil & Beatrice (the latest Yann Martel...if you've read Life of Pi, it's the same kind of weird dark story)

- The Gargoyle (so so good!! not what I would usually pick up but glad I did)

- Water for Elephants (been sitting on my shelf for ages - who knew a story about a circus in the 30s could be so compelling!)


Just thought I'd pass those recommendations along :)

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Miss D - I read the mortal instruments too! LOVED THEM!!! The next one isn't coming out until October right? I may have to re-read before I get that one...it's been a little while since I read them!


I just finished reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult & it was really good! Kind of predictable, but it really opened my eyes on the subject of autism & more specifically aspergers.

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I just spend the last 45min going back through some of this thread & adding books to my amazon wish list!! I now have 15 books that I have to buy & read!! Thanks ladies!


Oh, and here is my list if anyone wants to get some ideas!

Amazon.ca: Amanda Stratton: Wish List


Oh...and rounders is for hubby for Christmas! wink.gif And I love the thought of reading eat, pray, love & then the man's version drink, play, f$#k!!!

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I have heard good things about Water for Elephants, although its not something I would have picked up on my own, I really want to get it now!


Manders, I had no idea there was a Men's Version! Hilarious!

I have picked up that book a million times and I never bought it because #1 it was small, so it would be a quick read and #2, it enver interested me, however, after seeing the movie previews, I def want to read it now! :)

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I had no interest either Jenn...but then Oprah had Julia Roberts on her show talking about it & it definitely peaked my interest!! I'm wondering if I should wait & watch the movie first though? I will hate the movie after I read the book...And I LOVE that there is a men's version! I should have gotten both so I could read them back to back!


And I hadn't even heard of water for elephants until this thread...but you girls have convinced me! Maybe we can swap sometime Jenn! wink.gif

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I have to read the book first, Because if I watch the movie first I will have no interest in reading the book....It's my weird little Quirk I guess! LOL

I have had the "Dear John" book forever, and I really want to see the movie, but I am waiting until I get around to reading the damn book! LOL


Between this thread, People I work with and also hearing about the movie that they are making from the book, that got me really interested!


We can def do a swap Manders! I love to read!

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Agghhh its been a while since I've been on this thread. I'll have to go back and read up on what you've all been reading lol.


Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
I just finished reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult & it was really good! Kind of predictable, but it really opened my eyes on the subject of autism & more specifically aspergers.
I have that book on my wish list :). Since I have your approval, I'm going to go ahead and get it.


Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
And I just ordered some!! "Water For Elephants", "Eat Pray Love", "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo", "Incontinent On The Continent". They should be shipped tomorrow & I should have them by early next week!!! cheesy.gif


And yes...I'm a total pw.jpg lol

I read water for elephants. I thought it was good. I'm not sure why it got so much hype, but it was good, I enjoyed it.
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