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Hey Guys...


Hope all is well. I will make the reso's soon for the 29th...Let me know if you will be coming so I can get a number count. Also, I book my resort!!! Paradisus Palma Real for April 14th wedding date. My guests are coming from Ontario and the price is in between 1700-1800! Kinda steep. Also, bough my bm dresses...I will bring one on Thursday for you ladies to see. I got them at H&M for 40 each!!!

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Originally Posted by MissNatalie18 View Post
Hey Guys...

Hope all is well. I will make the reso's soon for the 29th...Let me know if you will be coming so I can get a number count. Also, I book my resort!!! Paradisus Palma Real for April 14th wedding date. My guests are coming from Ontario and the price is in between 1700-1800! Kinda steep. Also, bough my bm dresses...I will bring one on Thursday for you ladies to see. I got them at H&M for 40 each!!!
Congrats on your booking!!!!

As for now, I should be able to make it for the 29th. I also got my BM dresses. they are the Flirty Convertable dresses from Victoria Secret in grape. I also got one for me but in the jazzberry (raspberry). Spent so much time playing around with all the different styles. Took one of my BM hers and she loves it and it looks great!!! Can't wait to see the ones that you got from H&M

Have a great weekend
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Congrats Natalie! I can't wait to see the BM dresses you got, I'm still on the hunt for some that will work (Linds - I've been eyeing the convertible ones on Vic Secret online, glad to hear you like them!) Oh and I'm definitely coming on the 29th :)


I have some great news, we finally have our ceremony time booked on May 4th 2011! It's at 5:30pm on the beach with Pastor Rick York. The cocktails/reception will follow in the ballroom. So exciting! We just need to get some final prices back from the TA (Westjet is soo slow!) and we will be able to start booking! cheesy.gif

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hey ladies!


i will try and make it on the 29th - but can't say for sure yet!!


i went dress shopping this weekend for the first time, which was awesome. my sister was in town from toronto and we had a great time. we went to Cameo and Cufflinks first which was fantastic. the girls there were wonderful and were very attentive and knowledgable. they didn't have a HUGE amount of plus sized dresses (which i need), but they had a few. i tried on a few styles and ended up loving a style i had NO INTENTION of getting!


i was looking for a very plan ballgown style with pockets, and ended up loving the fit and flare. who knew that even a plus sized gal like me (street size 20) could look so great in a dress fitted to my hips. my curves rocked! so now i have totally changed my idea of what dress i want...so much more research to do now!


we then popped next door to the Parisian and those ladies were very nice as well. they had a few more dresses that fit which is a definite bonus. i ruled some more styles out and some more dresses IN!


we then tried to go to House of Brides - but i think that it may be going out of business? i had tried to make an appointment all week, and there was never an answer...and then the final time i tried, their mailbox was full. when we arrived on friday, it was dark and the doors were locked.


we then stopped at Ethos, who had TONS of dresses. the ladies were quite busy, but very nice and really tried to help. i didn't like any of the plus sized gowns so i didn't end up trying anything on.


we rounded out the day at The Bridal Centre, hoping that they would have a lot of plus-sized to choose from, since they are so large...but it was difficult when we weren't allowed to look at the dresses. we had to rely on the consultant to bring dresses out and they weren't what was looking for at all. i was not impressed. i found the atmosphere to be very snooty.


i think i have narrowed down what sort of dress i want now, and it is just a matter of calling around to some other bridal shops to see if they have the dresses i want in a large enough size to try on! if they dont - i am not too sure what i am going to do!


anyhow, hope you are all having a nice weekend!

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Wow thanks for the review Pam! I'm going dress shopping this Friday with my mom & BM and I'm going to a lot of the same places as you! :) I'm starting out at The Bridal Centre, and I've been reading some bad reviews about how snooty they are, so I'm glad that we are getting that appt over with first, lol!


Looking forward to seeing what dress you end up choosing - I've only tried on 2 dresses so far so I have no idea if what I think I want is what I'll end up with!

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Hey Pam, that is soooo exciting!!! I miss going and trying dresses on. Have you tried Mena's on centre St. I think they have a good selection and the ladies are super nice. I also went to a store on 16th Ave and about 5th St NE (I can't remember the name) if you are travelling on 16th towards Deer Foot its on the right side. Anyways I have never seen so many dresses before. They have what seems like every dress in every size and yes lots of plus sizes. I will look at my dress shopping spreadsheet when I get to work and let you know the name. I know I ended up in some dresses that I never would've considered and really liked them. But take your time and try on different styles till you find what you like. Happy dress shopping :)

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your dress shopping spreadsheet? lol...i love it!


i haven't checked out Mena's yet, but i definitely will...and that other shop too! i was EXHAUSTED by the end of that day, but i will definitely head out to more. i am crazy indecisive, so i will have to try on lots before making a decision! i am still so surprised i am leaning towards a TOTALLY different style than i had anticipated! but i feel like i am cheating on my "dream dress"...lol.


sandy - enjoy your shopping!

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So exciting Pam. I went dress shopping shortly after getting engaged...never having even thought about a wedding dress style in my life before. I went to two stores over one weekend, tried on about 15 dresses and found my dress. I was pretty impressed! I think you just know when you try it on that it is "the one"! Although, now I hate looking at any other dresses because I always wonder if I made the right decision. It is funny how dresses that you think you will love you hate when you try on. I also think pics of other ppl wearing your dress doesn't do it justic either...here is a pic!





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oooh, very pretty Natalie!


i am actually going to do a tiny bit of work this morning, and then head out to a few more stores this morning (working for yourself can definitely have perks!)..


i am going to Ever After (Lindslou, this is on 16th, is it what you were thinking of?) and Mena's. depending on the time, i may make a quick stop at Blissful Bridal and BEautiful Bride. we'll see!


be prepared for more shop reviews this evening!!

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