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elizabeth's (lvpbride) wedding/day after blogged

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Originally Posted by leigh miller View Post
true about the wedding. or true you two wouldnt be together without some serious alcoholhuh.gif
Hahaha!!! Both are true! The only reason that I ever had the courage to blatantly hit on Ben was b/c I'd had quite a bit to drink one night. :)
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Leigh your work just amazes me, everything is so beautiful. How do you get the sky so blue? haha


The part before the wedding of Ben and Elizabeth was kinda sad, nice pics but sad. Their wedding pictures was amazing and gorgeous.

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Originally Posted by Raeka View Post
Leigh your work just amazes me, everything is so beautiful. How do you get the sky so blue? haha

The part before the wedding of Ben and Elizabeth was kinda sad, nice pics but sad. Their wedding pictures was amazing and gorgeous.
youre right, definately. we felt so bad for tomas and maria antonia. we really couldnt do much for them. we left them with a little stuff. bought them drinks and tried to buy them some medicine but the local store was out. riccis had some cash on him so he gave them some. unfortunately i never carry cash. we did get the info of the town to mail things to them. but i didnt really want to talk about all that in the blog. it maybe an exercise in futility to send them anything cause who knows if someone else will snag it along the way, but we can try.
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