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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
First, Thanks ladies for all the kind words and your right I totally took it as a sign that we weren't meant to go that weekend. I do like the ring of 5-15-11 so I am happy! Thanks as always for your words of encouragement!

Amcferron - YEAH! We will probably come down Wednesday of that week.

The good thing about the FMIL is she wants this to be the best it can be and isn't afraid to get pushy about it with the resort or TA. It is kinda nice to have a bully in your corner even if it did drag out a bit. She is happy, I am happy so all is right in the world again!
I like the sound of 5-15-11 too!!! I am actually on Friday the 13th!!! LOVE IT!!! smile159.gif
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
I know you B2B's don't want to stray from wedding talk but if you don't mind indulging me, what do you all do for work?
I'm a Critical Care Nurse, I work nightshift and have a different schedule every week, which is why I have a hard time keeping up with this thread regularly!

I also have an almost-one-year-old son!

Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
That was going to be next post. So after a crazy 2 weeks and investigating close to 15-20 hotels and analyzing their wedding menu/packages, reviews, etc. I decided....to stay at Azul Beach!
Yay!! Glad you got it all figured out

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
I am getting married at Le Blanc in 3 weeks! AHHH so I will let you know.
Soooo exciting!

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post

I requested the same thing but was told that the sky deck was for wedding ceremonies only. I would still ask if I were you, maybe they'll tell you something different.
We decided to do our reception on the beach, but thanks for the advice wink.gif

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Thanks Lindz! I've got no choice but to put on my big girl panties and suck it up. But as for your color suggestions, I love the concept of intergrating lime green, so I'm going for it! I'll give it a try and let you all know how it come out! :
Lime green will look great! So sorry you are going through this with your mom, but I think you are handling it beautifully!

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

OK Ladies I NEED TO VENT! Deep Breath
Long story short - I had reserved thru Cecila May 30th for my date but not put down the $200. My TA and FMIL were going back and forth between 2 resorts AS and The Royal Cancun. Unfortunately when you accept other people's $$ towards paying for the wedding you have to play nice and my FMIL being a former TA wanted to make sure we got the best deal. (She really did get us an awesome rate). Well for one reason or another that I do not know nor care at this point. All the dates for Memorial Day Weekend and the weekend before are now booked for AS. I lost the 30th. Cecila is gone. This all went down this morning. I had a minor freakout (possibly due to the fact that I am control freak and felt like things were out of control). After calming down, talking to the FI, Talking to my mom, talking FMIL I have a new WC (Faye) New wedding date (May 15th 2011) and feel back to normal. I really wanted May 30th but oh well. This morning was basically throw money at the 15th and see if it sticks. I will know for 100% sure in 24 hours. My FMIL and TA got Fabio on a call and basically got it done. AS was really understanding of my problem but booked is booked. It's our own fault for not putting the $200 down in the first place.
WHEW - Thanks! I just had to get it all out and type it to feel better.
NOTE: Ladies of Memorial Day weekend 2011 - I am sad we won't get to do that shot together. Also a word of warning. According to Fabio and Faye Thursday May 26th - Mon May 30th are BOOKED Solid with brides. They also said that there were some big groups. I would make sure your TA's and guest know that resort is going to be full that weekend and it's probably a good idea for guests to book ASAP. Again I am hearing this 3rd hand from my TA but might be something to be aware of.

Is Anyone else getting married on the weekend of May 13 - 15 2011?

Thanks for letting me get that all out. Good news I am offically (in 24hours when they email me confirmation) A Paying AS BRIDE!!!! YEAH! I am so excited!
I really think everything happens for a reason, congrats on the OFFICIAL date!!
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Thanks to everyone for comments on my save-the-dates, you made me blush:embarrass:


I actually downloaded the template from The Wedding Chicks Blog for FREE!!! They have free personalized downloads and DIY stuff, and their website is so cute.


I ordered the STDs from Vistaprint.com after signing up for their emails like the ladies on BDW recommended and only paid $5 to download the template and shipping. I got 100 post cards for free!


We wrote a cute message on the back, and sent them out without envelopes like regular postcards.

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Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Glad to hear soemone is hearing back from her....I sent my deposit in about 10 days ago and have emailed a couple of times to make sure it was recieved (since they haven't charged my card yet) and I can't get a response....
Haha, well we actually became friends and it was a personal email buuuuuttt she did mention that she now has 150 brides... so don't be too hard on her, I couldn't even IMAGINE dealing with that many of us wink.gif

Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
I'm a Critical Care Nurse, I work nightshift and have a different schedule every week, which is why I have a hard time keeping up with this thread regularly!

I also have an almost-one-year-old son!
That's awesome!

Aww wow, you're a busy girl!

Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
Thanks to everyone for comments on my save-the-dates, you made me blush:embarrass:

I actually downloaded the template from The Wedding Chicks Blog for FREE!!! They have free personalized downloads and DIY stuff, and their website is so cute.

I ordered the STDs from Vistaprint.com after signing up for their emails like the ladies on BDW recommended and only paid $5 to download the template and shipping. I got 100 post cards for free!

We wrote a cute message on the back, and sent them out without envelopes like regular postcards.
Super cute, love it, great turnout and totally economical!
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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
We now Have Faye as well! My TA likes her but i haven't had a dealing with her yet. I just found out today.

OK Ladies I NEED TO VENT! Deep Breath
Long story short - I had reserved thru Cecila May 30th for my date but not put down the $200. My TA and FMIL were going back and forth between 2 resorts AS and The Royal Cancun. Unfortunately when you accept other people's $$ towards paying for the wedding you have to play nice and my FMIL being a former TA wanted to make sure we got the best deal. (She really did get us an awesome rate). Well for one reason or another that I do not know nor care at this point. All the dates for Memorial Day Weekend and the weekend before are now booked for AS. I lost the 30th. Cecila is gone. This all went down this morning. I had a minor freakout (possibly due to the fact that I am control freak and felt like things were out of control). After calming down, talking to the FI, Talking to my mom, talking FMIL I have a new WC (Faye) New wedding date (May 15th 2011) and feel back to normal. I really wanted May 30th but oh well. This morning was basically throw money at the 15th and see if it sticks. I will know for 100% sure in 24 hours. My FMIL and TA got Fabio on a call and basically got it done. AS was really understanding of my problem but booked is booked. It's our own fault for not putting the $200 down in the first place.
WHEW - Thanks! I just had to get it all out and type it to feel better.
NOTE: Ladies of Memorial Day weekend 2011 - I am sad we won't get to do that shot together. Also a word of warning. According to Fabio and Faye Thursday May 26th - Mon May 30th are BOOKED Solid with brides. They also said that there were some big groups. I would make sure your TA's and guest know that resort is going to be full that weekend and it's probably a good idea for guests to book ASAP. Again I am hearing this 3rd hand from my TA but might be something to be aware of.

Is Anyone else getting married on the weekend of May 13 - 15 2011?

Thanks for letting me get that all out. Good news I am offically (in 24hours when they email me confirmation) A Paying AS BRIDE!!!! YEAH! I am so excited!
Congrats on taking that deep breath, not freaking out (I would have) and finding a wonderful new date! And like someone else said, your guests will likely get a better price, since it's not a holiday. It's likely a blessing in disguise :)
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Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
Same here......started very young and since my job is covered under law enforcement retirement too I only have 15 years until I can retire and I'll only be 48!!! I guess I'll start my second career then. Sad that I'm already thinking about retirement but hey you gotta have something to look forward too!
I'm right there with you! I'll be eligible for retirement when I turn 46 and I'm already pondering the courses I will be taking in photography and graphic design! I plan to go back and get another degree and possibly even go to law school to do pro bono work for abused women. It's really sad that I am already thinking of retirement, but it is honestly the only thing that gets me through some days. :-)

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
I am getting married at Le Blanc in 3 weeks!
How exciting!!!! I got excited for you just reading your sentence!!!! I'm sure you have bubblies all in your belly!!! (In a good way, of course! ;-) )

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
I'm glad I could help! I think it will be very cool!
Thanks, I'm looking forward to showing you whatever our next creation will be with that color incorporated!

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Hey guys...here is a great OOT or BM gift find...thought I would share.
Thanks for sharing! Those bad boys went FAST!!!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Thatâ€s awesome!!!! I actually said “whoa cool!†when I read this. May I ask why you donâ€t like it? Just seems like a really interesting job, always different and unique and fighting crime so to speak. OMG I sound like a little kid…
The hours are the worst part about the job. Criminals don't commit crimes 8-5pm, so basically we work when they work more often than not. This causes me alot of internal conflict because I would much rather be with my family at night after dinner than putting on my gear to head out the door. There is a saying in Federal law enforcement, "If Uncle Sam wanted you to have a family, he would have issued you one with your gear bag." My second gripe about it is that although it is 2010, women still have to work twice as hard (if not 3x's) to prove themselves in this male dominated field. You need to be able to shoot just as good as them, be willing to go through a door with or before one of them, and basically just overall hold your own. It's sad, but if they smell weakness, they will exploit it. And my last complaint is that it just doesn't jive with my personality some times. I'm pretty bubbly and outgoing and this work place is a very quasi-military profession and there are rules and policies in place to protect you and the citizen's rights. You make one wrong move and you can throw your whole career down the tubes. There's a lot of pressure to be perfect and that is unattainable to me. I basically supress who I really am during work hours to fit the mold of being boring, by the book, and bland. If you ever watch the Cop shows on TV, none of them really have hobbies or personal lives, it's all about the job. That is one thing I can say is modeled accurately about the profession in TV shows.

Originally Posted by dakotaAZ View Post
Good Morning
I know some of you have mentioned a new coordinator through Karisma, I guess Cecile is gone now also and that is who I was working with....So has anyone worked with Faye yet?
WTH did Cecile gohuh.gif No wonder she did not respond to my email a few days ago. We just spoke with our TA last night and she mentioned nothing about it.

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
We now Have Faye as well! My TA likes her but i haven't had a dealing with her yet. I just found out today.
Geez, who is this Faye and when/how did you find out you were reassigned?

OK Ladies I NEED TO VENT! Deep Breath
Long story short - I had reserved thru Cecila May 30th for my date but not put down the $200. My TA and FMIL were going back and forth between 2 resorts AS and The Royal Cancun. Unfortunately when you accept other people's $$ towards paying for the wedding you have to play nice and my FMIL being a former TA wanted to make sure we got the best deal. (She really did get us an awesome rate). Well for one reason or another that I do not know nor care at this point. All the dates for Memorial Day Weekend and the weekend before are now booked for AS. I lost the 30th. Cecila is gone. This all went down this morning. I had a minor freakout (possibly due to the fact that I am control freak and felt like things were out of control). After calming down, talking to the FI, Talking to my mom, talking FMIL I have a new WC (Faye) New wedding date (May 15th 2011) and feel back to normal. I really wanted May 30th but oh well. This morning was basically throw money at the 15th and see if it sticks. I will know for 100% sure in 24 hours. My FMIL and TA got Fabio on a call and basically got it done. AS was really understanding of my problem but booked is booked. It's our own fault for not putting the $200 down in the first place.
WHEW - Thanks! I just had to get it all out and type it to feel better.
NOTE: Ladies of Memorial Day weekend 2011 - I am sad we won't get to do that shot together. Also a word of warning. According to Fabio and Faye Thursday May 26th - Mon May 30th are BOOKED Solid with brides. They also said that there were some big groups. I would make sure your TA's and guest know that resort is going to be full that weekend and it's probably a good idea for guests to book ASAP. Again I am hearing this 3rd hand from my TA but might be something to be aware of.

Is Anyone else getting married on the weekend of May 13 - 15 2011?

Thanks for letting me get that all out. Good news I am offically (in 24hours when they email me confirmation) A Paying AS BRIDE!!!! YEAH! I am so excited!
First, I am sorry that you had to go through all of this!!! It sounds like you are having to appease quite a few other than you and FI and for that I am sorry. I'm glad in the end it all worked out and that you are please with your new date. Also, thanks for the heads up about the busy Memorial Day Weekend. We were expecting it to be like that, but it is interesting to hear it confirmed.

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Hey Mags - OMG such drama for you today!!! I feel for ya girl and WTF that hotel had 500+ rooms - and they are all sold out? I cannot believe that. I hope everyone has large room blocks already booked; lesson learned, eh?

Honestly, your guests will get cheaper flights to Mexico 2 weeks before Memorial Day and you are 2 weeks further away from the start of hurricane season so I think you have a great new date!
Is Memorial Day Weekend the start of hurricane season?

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
PS - what the hell? Did they fire everyone or did everyone quit?
I have the same curiosity!

Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
I'm a Critical Care Nurse, I work nightshift and have a different schedule every week, which is why I have a hard time keeping up with this thread regularly!

I also have an almost-one-year-old son!

We decided to do our reception on the beach, but thanks for the advice wink.gif

Lime green will look great! So sorry you are going through this with your mom, but I think you are handling it beautifully!
Cool profession! Nurses are valuable assets to the world! Seems like moreso that Doctors sometimes. :-) We are also going to shoot for the beach reception, but I haven't been able to see any photos yet and I have alot of curiosities about how it would all play out. And thanks for the kind words, it will/shall all work out. Oh and last thing, lime green it is!!! :-)

Originally Posted by murmel View Post
Congrats on taking that deep breath, not freaking out (I would have) and finding a wonderful new date! And like someone else said, your guests will likely get a better price, since it's not a holiday. It's likely a blessing in disguise :)
Geez, at the expense of cheering Maggie up, you all are starting to make me feel bad about the Memorial Day weekend. Hurricane talk, cheaper flights, better prices.....Debbie Downer here. LOL
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Wow girls..I was gone for 1.5 and half and wow was it hard to catch up. Chatty Cathy's as my mom would say.


Regarding the WC's I don't know what is up but I don't think Tiffany left. I say that because the last I heard from her was right before the July 4th weekend and she told me she was off on Friday and would not be responding. I followed up with her all week the next week and nothing. Then I learned I have someone new. If she was leaving on her own and it was planned, wouldn't she say something? That and she was nearly impossible to deal with...very unorganized, never answered all of my questions, so slow to respond...so maybe they are cleaning house a bit? But will 150 brides each, they need some new planners....Amy, I think we found a way for you to work less hours! :)


I leave tomorrow night on a red eye to Baltimore. Heading home for a weekend full of activities including my son's 1st birthday party and my bridal shower brunch. Should be a lot of fun but I am already dreading all that travel and all the events in just 3 days. Wish me luck.

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