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severe stomach cramps


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I have had something similar happen to me. It happens only every once and a while but it is intense. I feel as though I have eaten some sort of "parasite" or something my body does not agree with. The last time I had it I had won ton soup. I think there was too much oil in it or something. But I know the feeling it feels as if you have to go to the ER because of sharp pains, hot flashes. I think I need to be more conscious if what I eat and these episodes are my body telling me to eat better.


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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
nope. i drink milk all the time.

last new years we went to mexico, and ever since i've had weird stomach issues.... Joe and I were both so sick after mexico we literally spent an entire week on the couch. I got "better" but still have random lapses when it feels like my stomach is going to explode inside of me
I had the worst case of food poisoning a few years ago and I swear I have never been the same again either! I randomly get sick and get horrible cramps.
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Originally Posted by michelle08 View Post
I honestly think doctors don't even know half of the time what they are doing! That is why I look everything up on the internet, diagnose myself and when I am ready...I tell them what needs to happen and what tests i want!!! I seem to get further!
Good call! I was having an appendicitis attack (which I self diagnosed on webmd.com) so I went to the hospital and told them that when I checked in. A few hrs later when the doctor saw me (after of course I had been waiting in severe pain), he said it's probably a tubal pregnancy. fryingpan.gif

After a pelvic exam, a urine test and 3 hours we determined it was actually appendicitis. I had to be transported to a different hospital in a different town that could do the surgery and while in route my appendix ruptured.

So a week in the hospital, 3 weeks missed work and nasty scar later, I can honestly say "some" doctors really don't know what they are doing.
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It hard on doctors (not that I'm crying for them) but because they are essentially symptomologists sometimes all they can do is take what you're saying and match it to common conditions they are aware of. Often it can be one of many things so they just play the odds and sometimes go with what they typically see a lot, thus the reason some people go in with 1 complaint and end up on different meds until something works.


I've had what you're experiencing a handful of times. It's so crazy - doubled over in pain about to go to the e.r., then 5 minutes later feeling fabulous, then 20 minutes later severe pain, etc. In my case I've always attributed it to gas and have noticed the times it happens that I've been eating poorly for awhile. Have you ever done a cleanse of some sort? Maybe you just need to detoxify and things will process better. If you have access to a naturopathic/homeopathic doctor in your area maybe he or she can evaluate you to see what can be done without side effects of medications.

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I've actually had kidney stones as well. They hurt like no pain I've ever experienced... and then it just stops! It hurts when the stones travel down the tubes from the kidneys to the bladder, and then once in the bladder you can't feel them any more. I seriously thought I was going to die it hurt so bad! And then poof... A OK

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Originally Posted by Waiting_for_Sunshine View Post
Good call! I was having an appendicitis attack (which I self diagnosed on webmd.com) so I went to the hospital and told them that when I checked in. A few hrs later when the doctor saw me (after of course I had been waiting in severe pain), he said it's probably a tubal pregnancy. fryingpan.gif

After a pelvic exam, a urine test and 3 hours we determined it was actually appendicitis. I had to be transported to a different hospital in a different town that could do the surgery and while in route my appendix ruptured.

So a week in the hospital, 3 weeks missed work and nasty scar later, I can honestly say "some" doctors really don't know what they are doing.
Yikes!! That sucks!!! I actually at one point during my "episode" last year thought maybe it was that too because I had a fever of 102 one night....but I ruled it out! :)
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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
man, whoever thought there were this many of us with weird stomach problems?
Ya no kidding because I have the worst over active imagination. I always think "horrible cramps- I hope it's not cancer!!"

Or you know, "What's that noise? I hope it's not a guy standing the living room with a gun. Honey, go check." I need to stop watching Lifetime or the WE channel.

This thread actually makes me feel better....or more normal.
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Originally Posted by michelle08 View Post
Yikes!! That sucks!!! I actually at one point during my "episode" last year thought maybe it was that too because I had a fever of 102 one night....but I ruled it out! :)
I never had a fever...I'm not sure if that's odd or not. I suffered for 2 days without going to the doctor though. It was pretty stupid. Apparently the pains are similiar to labor pains. I thought it was bad gas and took lots of gas-x. I laugh now though. SOOOOO DUMB!!

Just to educate...my surgeon said that your appendix usually flares up then goes within 3 days. So if you are sick for longer than that, probably not your appendix.
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