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i dislike my mother in law - she has never said a nice word to me - at one point we didnt talk for 5 years - started talking again when she found out i was pregnant with her second grandchild - she has called me a white bitch before, our children are mixed race. im never going to like her but try to keep the peace - she lives in jamaica - we are staying with her for our third week there :-(

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Originally Posted by kerrij View Post
To the girl with the flower girl worry...what about asking one of your friends to do be your grown up flower girl and then you don't have to worry about it at all! hehehe my Flower Girl was 33! and i was sooooo glad that i had asked her because shortly after on of the GM decided they would bring their 15 months beauuutiful daughter, but i didn't want a baby in my wedding, so i was sooo relieved to have a good excuse, I already had a flower girl!

Confession: I bought a 4 pack of McCann's mini pizza's the other day and went home and ate the whole box before my DH got home from work!! lol When he came home I wasn't hungry for dinner but couldn't tell him why! oooh the cravings you get when you're preg.
...Mmmm...i want some mini pizza's please!

lol I love the adult flower girl idea! If my wedding was back home i'd probably just have our puppy be the ring bear.

Also! Congrats on being pregnet! I just get cravings because I love food...dammit lol =)
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Originally Posted by donutdjn View Post
i dislike my mother in law - she has never said a nice word to me - at one point we didnt talk for 5 years - started talking again when she found out i was pregnant with her second grandchild - she has called me a white bitch before, our children are mixed race. im never going to like her but try to keep the peace - she lives in jamaica - we are staying with her for our third week there :-(
OMG that's terrible that she says that to you! Good luck staying with her for a week, try to plan lots of outdoor activities that she can't attend like cliff diving or something :)
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Thanks Amy.....at this point that sounds like a better option than what I did. :-) Leaving a man to his own creativity can sometimes lead him to his demise. hit.gif Which I'm glad to be learning sooner than later! I will hit him up for our anniversary. :-)

I understand exactly where you are coming from. We had friends and fmaily bugging us and nagging us for more than a month leading up to our contract being signed for the rooms. Once it was booked and our TA rolled out the pricing, not one person has booked yet. One of my BM's bought a new car and another has taken a massive vacation. I don't expect their life to change for our wedding.....but I understand what you are saying about all the blah, blah, blah from people and then NO action on their part. I've just taken the relaxed approach (after much stressing) that those that want to be there and are meant to be there, will be. Everyone else will just have to resume home life with us when we return and get over themselves. Those you love, can cause you the most stress......don't let 'em do it to you!!!! This should be one of the happiest planning phases of your life and you shouldn't have to be overly accomodating for others. Engage your inner zilla and focus on you and FI! grouphug.gif
Its true, those closest to you definitely cause the most stress! Ive ignorned her for 7mos already, but enough is enough! I hate when people go out of there way to make you miserable. UGH!! But thank you, your advice was very helpful. Im trying to keep bridezilla tamed, but she is gonna come out sooner or later if I have to continue to deal with drama proned people! wink.gif
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Originally Posted by donutdjn View Post
i dislike my mother in law - she has never said a nice word to me - at one point we didnt talk for 5 years - started talking again when she found out i was pregnant with her second grandchild - she has called me a white bitch before, our children are mixed race. im never going to like her but try to keep the peace - she lives in jamaica - we are staying with her for our third week there :-(
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that! I would dislike her too if she called me names like that! That's terrible!! I agree with Amy, try to avoid her at all costs! Thankfully she lives far away! :)

My confession for today - I'm a little obsessive compulsive and I keep going over the stuff that I have packed for my trip, thinking I might remember something that I forgot. Also, I want to pack like 14 fancy dresses and pairs of shoes, but in reality I only need like 5-7, but I can't help it! Help me girls!!!
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I confess that I drank way too much at the pool on Saturday & got a really bad sunburn!! You just don't think to reapply after drinking all day!! I also got into a fight with my FI. I was totally my fault, but we are completly fine now!! No more drinking all day at the pool for me anymore!

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confession: i ate not one but TWO canadian chocolate bars today, thanks to my canada welcome package from cindy* love.gif (wunderbar and crispy crunch today, if you were wondering). i am sorry to report that my body does not seem to like them as much as i did, haha ... def paying for it already but that's TMI. wink.gif
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