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So just because I felt like sharing these with someone, here they are! I didn't know anyone got pictures of this - and she just sent me the link. How fun! On the night of the welcome dinner, Paul's 4 nieces (and 1 cousin's son!) decided to put on a show for me - yes, just me. lol well, they had michael (the little boy) come get me to "show me something." when i went over there, the girls did a little dance and sang a song on the "stage" - they all Irish dance, so that's what they did. the song went something like "ann, ann, soon to be our aunt" or something. i can't remember the words! it was sooooo cute though. they had worked so hard to practice this. molly, the youngest, isn't taking lessons yet - but likes to follow.


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of course, michael couldn't be upstaged ...

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