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What the heck is going on with my weight?!?

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Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis View Post
Thanks ladies :)

I would get a new doctor, but unfortunately new doctors aren't exactly easy to come by. I've been looking for a new doctor, but they're few and far between.

As for the edema, he's sent me for an EKG and I've had urine and blood tests to rule out heart and kidney troubles, he thinks it's just poor circulation. But my thought is, my legs swell more when I'm out walking for long periods of time (2+ hours), wouldn't walking help my circulation? When the muscles in my legs contract, wouldn't they help force the blood back up to my heart? Just a thought...

And it could be that I'm not eating enough, that makes sense... Although, I have 100+ pounds to lose, so even though I've slowed down my metabolism, wouldn't I still lose SOMETHING? Again, I don't expect to lose much with what I'm doing right now, but 5 pounds would be motivating enough to keep going....

And as for how I feel? I have one word that sums it up entirely: Lethargic.
Poor circulation could be a factor and there are even tests that can be done to see exactly which valves are not working properly. You see leg muscles pump the veins to return blood to the heart if the valves that help push the vein back to the heart fail it can result in spider veins, varicose veins and edema. Veins aren't as strong as arteries cause they carry de-oxygentated blood and thus less pressure why it is so easy for them to fail. If you walk around alot since your veins are fighting the effects of gravity in order to push that blood their work is hard resulting in the swelling. I have problems with my circulation as well, mine is just my makeup/hereditary and not caused by any other debilitating factor. I wear compression panty hose and it has helped significantly. I've been wearing compression 40 for about a year, I also have 30c. My doctor wrote me a prescription for them. After long days of being on your feet try laying with your legs elevated. I would definitely get a second opinion my doctors were able to run the tests to see which valves fail. Good luck and I hope it gets better.
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Most days I barely have enough energy to drag my ass out of bed and off to school, and on weekends I can sleep for 14 and 15 hours if left alone. I want to be out walking and doing things, but I just can't convince my ass to get up and go. I do have low iron, which definitely contributes to the lack of energy, but I don't think that's my entire problem.


He's tested me for thyroid before, and he just says that the values are normal. But thyroid problems do run in my family, in fact my sister is taking medication for her thyroid.


And the compression pantyhose is an interesting thought. He's never done any testing to say that it's definitely circulation, he's just assumed it is and tells me to keep my feet up. How can I keep my feet elevated and exercise at the same time? He's telling me "when you're home, keep your feet elevated", then five minutes later "a lot of your problems are because of your weight, you need to exercise" I CAN'T DO BOTH DAMMIT! lol

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I would say...have a full blook work-up (if possible) and get tested for both Vitamin D deficiency, and possible PCOS. Either one could explain your lack of energy.


I have PCOS, and was diagnosed about a year ago. Through the medication and sensible eating, I've lost over 20 pounds (since December, when I got on a good dosage for me). Like you, I had tried eating very healthfully and exercising, and lost very little weight. Do a search online for PCOS symptoms and see if any of them fit.


Good luck! I know how stinkin' frustrating it is to do what you think you need to do to lose weight and get healthy, and have it just not happen.

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I hear you. I have been a size 0 my whole life. In the last year I have gained about 15-20 pounds. I think it is mostly due to my being a bit depressed about not working so I compensate with eating and not being very active but just lie around all day.


But I agree with the ladies, you really should get a second opinion if your doctor is not going to listen to you and your concerns.

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Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
I would say...have a full blook work-up (if possible) and get tested for both Vitamin D deficiency, and possible PCOS. Either one could explain your lack of energy.

I have PCOS, and was diagnosed about a year ago. Through the medication and sensible eating, I've lost over 20 pounds (since December, when I got on a good dosage for me). Like you, I had tried eating very healthfully and exercising, and lost very little weight. Do a search online for PCOS symptoms and see if any of them fit.

Good luck! I know how stinkin' frustrating it is to do what you think you need to do to lose weight and get healthy, and have it just not happen.
After looking at the symptoms of PCOS, I don't think that's my issue. Thanks for bring it up though, I never would have thought about that. I'm definitely going to get him to run some tests, because something needs to be done. Vitamin D deficiency would make sense though, I get very little sunlight because direct sun exposure for more than 10-15 mins gives me hives and makes me physically ill. Again, something my doctor doesn't listen to me about sad.gif
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Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
I would say...have a full blook work-up (if possible) and get tested for both Vitamin D deficiency, and possible PCOS. Either one could explain your lack of energy.

I have PCOS, and was diagnosed about a year ago. Through the medication and sensible eating, I've lost over 20 pounds (since December, when I got on a good dosage for me). Like you, I had tried eating very healthfully and exercising, and lost very little weight. Do a search online for PCOS symptoms and see if any of them fit.

Good luck! I know how stinkin' frustrating it is to do what you think you need to do to lose weight and get healthy, and have it just not happen.
heyy! Which meds are you on for PCOS? I have PCOS too.
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Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis View Post
Most days I barely have enough energy to drag my ass out of bed and off to school, and on weekends I can sleep for 14 and 15 hours if left alone. I want to be out walking and doing things, but I just can't convince my ass to get up and go. I do have low iron, which definitely contributes to the lack of energy, but I don't think that's my entire problem.

He's tested me for thyroid before, and he just says that the values are normal. But thyroid problems do run in my family, in fact my sister is taking medication for her thyroid.

And the compression pantyhose is an interesting thought. He's never done any testing to say that it's definitely circulation, he's just assumed it is and tells me to keep my feet up. How can I keep my feet elevated and exercise at the same time? He's telling me "when you're home, keep your feet elevated", then five minutes later "a lot of your problems are because of your weight, you need to exercise" I CAN'T DO BOTH DAMMIT! lol
With the thyroid, a few of my friends, and myself, went to a doctor that swore that even at the lower side of normal, taking thyroid meds can help with weight loss (along with eating better and exercise). My one friend lost about 40 lbs and the other one has lost 80 lbs, so far - both having "the lower side of normal" thyroid levels. due to his location and my crazy schedule I stopped going and taking the meds, but since I have, I've been struggling to lose even a pound a week eating 1000-1200 calories a day with exercise, so I do think there is some validity to what he says. Lethargy is big with hypothyroidism.
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Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
With the thyroid, a few of my friends, and myself, went to a doctor that swore that even at the lower side of normal, taking thyroid meds can help with weight loss (along with eating better and exercise). My one friend lost about 40 lbs and the other one has lost 80 lbs, so far - both having "the lower side of normal" thyroid levels. due to his location and my crazy schedule I stopped going and taking the meds, but since I have, I've been struggling to lose even a pound a week eating 1000-1200 calories a day with exercise, so I do think there is some validity to what he says. Lethargy is big with hypothyroidism.
Holy crap! I'm definitely mentioning this to him. Everyone asks me if it's a thyroid issue, and I have most of the symptoms, but the blood tests come back "normal". Now whether that's the low side of normal or not, I don't know, but I'm definitely going to mention this to him. Thanks!
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Originally Posted by *Meagan* View Post
heyy! Which meds are you on for PCOS? I have PCOS too.

I'm on 2000 mgs of Metformin per day. I totally notice a difference in EVERYTHING...and the last two months I've had perfect 28-day cycles (whereas the year before that my cycles were 45 days or longer).

My sis also has PCOS, and she just gave birth to my niece about 3 months ago...so gives me hope for my future fertility!
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