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Today is just not my day


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I just have to squeel a bit. Woke up today to find out that my invitations have been lost in the mail. I looked on the website and saw "Transit Error" so I call and the customer service person lets me know that they don't have information on the package nor are they able to locate it at this time. I was really hoping to send out my invites before the end of June since the hotels deadline for my bookings is August. This is the second mishap with my invitations. The first time they sent it back saying addressee unknown (cause we are in NY renting for 2 months while FI works) and they didn't recognize my name going to that address. I feel like I'm cursed in getting these invites.

Then in doing all our calculations for the wedding I find out I may have to choose between having the BD or the TTD but not both and I sooo want to do both. I'm trying to look into alternative photographers in FL to see if maybe the BD shoot works out cheaper there. I'm trying like hell to finish all my DIY projects and I am out of my house for 2 months so I am doing all of this from NY where I am planted for the next two months, living out of my suitcase......I'm just feeling like a fish out of water right now!! Sorry just needed to vent ladies! I know it will sort itself out....eventually.

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You have a right to vent! I would too under the circumstances. Hopefully you will get your invites soon. Re the BD pictures, I've noticed that some brides are saving $ by coordinating with other brides who live in their area to do joint (or multiple) sessions with a photographer in exchange for a better deal. Why not ask if anyone in your area wants to share a photog for BD shots and then ask the photogs who's willing to provide a group rate? Just a thought....

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Oh Janine, that is not a very good day at all. But don't worry it will all come about, you will see. You are transplanted for the next two months but I know from our conversations that you are a very together person, so I am positive that you have everything that you need to finish your DIY projects during the time that you are in NY. Also, I know that you would love to have both the BD and the TTD, but as you say it looks like you can't have both, so you will have to make a HUGE decision and decide which one will be better to have. I would say the TTD, and the only reason is that you can always take BD pics for your FI/FH at a later date on a special occasion and he would love them just the same. However, the TTD pics are a once in a lifetime thing associated with your wedding (that's just my take on it). I know its a tough decision but to choose between the two, but we have to do what we must, right? Sorry that you are having a sucky day. I was just about to vent also in an unrelated post about my FI (and you know I should be happy cause he just got into town, UGH)!


Anyway, I know it is all going to come about just fine. Now about the invites what are they saying, when's the soonest they can have them to you? Have you called the local PO to see if they have a trace of where they are (just a thought). I hope that they do find them and that they are just temporarily misplaced. Hope I've helped!


I'm cheering you on!


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Thanks for that idea Lucy. I've already gotten so much inspiration from your wedding thread for my own wedding. Thanks for the advice. I will definitely look into that I saw a photographer this morning that was doing a marathon BD in Chicago, I'll look into if there are any in FL. Or maybe even in NY while I am here...since I have to be here till the end of July!!!

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Aww Janine - sorry you are having a bad day, but don't feel bad for venting - we are here for you!!!


I hope you get your invites soon!


I agree with Aisha about keeping the TTD - it's once in a lifetime - I wanted to do the BD as a gift for DH and just couldn't get it together in time - now i'm thinking maybe for Xmas or his bday next year or anniversary - that is an anytime thing that he will always enjoy!

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Originally Posted by AishaB View Post
Oh Janine, that is not a very good day at all. But don't worry it will all come about, you will see. You are transplanted for the next two months but I know from our conversations that you are a very together person, so I am positive that you have everything that you need to finish your DIY projects during the time that you are in NY. Also, I know that you would love to have both the BD and the TTD, but as you say it looks like you can't have both, so you will have to make a HUGE decision and decide which one will be better to have. I would say the TTD, and the only reason is that you can always take BD pics for your FI/FH at a later date on a special occasion and he would love them just the same. However, the TTD pics are a once in a lifetime thing associated with your wedding (that's just my take on it). I know its a tough decision but to choose between the two, but we have to do what we must, right? Sorry that you are having a sucky day. I was just about to vent also in an unrelated post about my FI (and you know I should be happy cause he just got into town, UGH)!

Anyway, I know it is all going to come about just fine. Now about the invites what are they saying, when's the soonest they can have them to you? Have you called the local PO to see if they have a trace of where they are (just a thought). I hope that they do find them and that they are just temporarily misplaced. Hope I've helped!

I'm cheering you on!
Thanks Aisha...I did one better I went in to the local post office. When I called the local after getting off the phone with 800 customer service the lady at local said "Ma'am I am very sorry I can't help you, you have to call back I have a long line in front of me". So I took my happy little butt down there....
She didn't have any info either other than there was nothing showing up in the system. I said I don't understand it has a tracking number and she said yes it shows scanned leaving CA but then there is an error. I asked how many times that happens and she told me "listen packages get lost every day, the system is not flawless it is run by humans". I was floored I wanted to just burst into tears, but I think she realized how upset I was. She called a supervisor and they said they will try to look into it but if there is no status update by tomorrow on it I need to call the sender. She said sometimes if the address was entered bad it will get bounced back to the sender.
I've already contacted Alexandra (theaerialistpress.com), thank God they are understanding. She was very calm about it and she said they will wait a bit to see if it gets returned then they will open a case cause it did go out priority signature required.
You are right about the TTD being more important. And like Lucy said perhaps I can team up and do my BD at another time with someone willing to share a photographer. Either way, thanks for the support and I will keep you ladies posted.
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Sorry to hear about your sucky day. IMO TTD is better/higher priority than BD. I mentioned something about a BD shoot/book and FI said, why do I need a book, I can see you naked everyday. He's pretty pracitical so I just laughed, how do I respond to that? So I'm saving money and not doing a BD book for him. :)

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Wendy you just made me laugh out loud. I love FI's response but he is soooo right!!!! I have never thought of it that way. I am still maybe looking into having another person do the BD at a later time in the future. We'll see how things turn out. Thanks for planting a smile on my face though.

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