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Pam - Have a great time in Kananaskis this weekend..I'm super jealous!! My FI has to work all weekend or we would be going out too, snow, rain or shine!! :) I'll be studying this weekend and working on wedding stuff and a night out with the girls too!


Aly - wow, you are REALLY nice to your 'problem guests' but if it I think if 3 people went that route, then it was worth your time and effort!


You guys have given me soo much to think about with great advice and maybe prepare myself now(I don't think that you can be prepared enough) for all the situations that might arise. I'm waiting for some quotes from some agencies, so we'll see what they come back with....my fingers are crossed!


Boo - Way to write that nasty letter, it payed off for you and I'm glad it did!!


Have a great long weekend girls!! Lets hope the sun stays out! :)

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Thanks everyone for listening. I think a lot of it as well is we're the very first couple in our group of friends to have ever done a destination wedding so no one has a clue what the prices are like. Heck, never did I!! Thanks again guys, it means a lot to hear from brides in the same boat.


Have a great long weekend and happy planning!!


And yes Aly, maybe it is!! =P

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Hello ladies!!

I'm home from our wedding & honeymoon and it was WONDERFUL. We just got in last night, and it feels good to be home. Although going from +30 to +3 is a big change... where's the sunhuh.gif? sad.gif lol

I will write a review soon once I get settled in, etc. And once I get my photos I'll share them with you also! :)



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It was honestly everything I thought it would be and so much more. They did such a fabulous job and it was so nice to be there for a week with our family & friends, and everything turned out perfectly. I wish I could go back already!!!


Thanks girls for the congrats! :)

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Have any of you been to Tops Bridal on 16th Ave. OMG I can't believe how many dresses they have!!!! It was great cause they have the same dress in all sizes and they have a huge selection of plus sizes too. I also went to Mena's and had a great time. Found 3 dresses that I love and can't wait to go back with my mom.


Hope everyone is having a great long weekend!!!!

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Originally Posted by Lindslou View Post
Have any of you been to Tops Bridal on 16th Ave. OMG I can't believe how many dresses they have!!!! It was great cause they have the same dress in all sizes and they have a huge selection of plus sizes too. I also went to Mena's and had a great time. Found 3 dresses that I love and can't wait to go back with my mom.

Hope everyone is having a great long weekend!!!!
Thats great to hear Linds....can't wait to see a pic of the dress you pic!
It so nice when everything about the dress shoppig goes well....its all about the dress and if you already have it narrowed down to three....your doing great!! Good luck and have fun going back with your mom!
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Originally Posted by Jennybell1 View Post
Thats great to hear Linds....can't wait to see a pic of the dress you pic!
It so nice when everything about the dress shoppig goes well....its all about the dress and if you already have it narrowed down to three....your doing great!! Good luck and have fun going back with your mom!

I love dress shoping and have taken every opportunity to do as much as I can. I went with one of my BM who got married a couple of years ago. When we were at Menas there was one dress that was a bit small on me so the lady suggested that she put it on so I could see it better. It was still a bit small on her but we just stood there each in a wedding dress and laughed. Really wished that we had a camera!!! Can't wait to go back but I have also found another dress that I like at Cameo but it is way more $$$ than what I want to pay. Decisions decisions..... Not sure what I will do once I do get my dress, this has been so much fun.
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