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Originally Posted by LadyTrunck View Post
Ok SO frustrated. They emailed me on May 3rd and said it would be ready in 3 days. I emailed them 2 nights ago and they have not responded!!!

Janine- I should have totally gotten this dress. Gorgeous!!!!! and mine is kind of like it. girl_werewolf.gif
When I asked for an update on my dress on April 1st she said it would be done in 5-7 days + 4-5 days for shipping. I received it on April 26. So you should be receiving it any day now
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Originally Posted by -ballerina- View Post
KJT1985, yeah.. I am thrilled ))
Cindy, JanineA, pamphilia, Lolita29 thank you, thank you! I'll post the pics of it on me asap
Hi Ballerina,
sorry if I ask again, but what fabric is your dress? I really love how the material looks.
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I saw someone posted an article from RomanticGowns.com-Wedding Dress, Bridal Gown and formal wear on here about buying dresses on ebay. They do not advertise this, but I would like to point out that romanticgowns.com also sells knock-offs. They claim that they are their own "Romantic Gowns" line, but they are not. They just have a collection of other designers gowns (Maggie Soterro is one of them) that they have copied and sell as their own. I have no idea if they make them...or it gets subed out to china...no idea. They do have some nice dresses...but if anyone is iffy about purchasing a knock off...they are not the website for you.

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Originally Posted by A_J_Mitchell View Post
I'm getting worried about the fabric, they are making this dress for me in what Gianinar calls "softer and thinner satin"

Column Wedding Dresses

I asked Gianinar if the taffeta would be better and the response was "we will make your dress in softer and thinner satin"...
My dress is soft and flowy like yours. They sent me pics of dresses that looked like taffeta. I said I did not like the stiffness and super shininess of taffeta. I think they mistook that for no shine. They gave me thin satin, which was matte and still stiff. So now they are remaking it in soft satin, which is shiny. So I'm confused that she is using soft and thin on yours, instead of soft or thin (unless she's using two kinds). Btw, no charge for remaking my dress ladies. Just an extra $40 if I want to keep the first one too. I thought that was very nice of them. New proofs should be up in 20 days or so.
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Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust View Post
My dress is soft and flowy like yours. They sent me pics of dresses that looked like taffeta. I said I did not like the stiffness and super shininess of taffeta. I think they mistook that for no shine. They gave me thin satin, which was matte and still stiff. So now they are remaking it in soft satin, which is shiny. So I'm confused that she is using soft and thin on yours, instead of soft or thin (unless she's using two kinds). Btw, no charge for remaking my dress ladies. Just an extra $40 if I want to keep the first one too. I thought that was very nice of them. New proofs should be up in 20 days or so.
This is good to know that they will make you another dress!! I'm just hoping it comes out right on the first try since my wedding is this July!! Lucky, if I don't like it, I still have a backup.. :)
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I purchased a knock off dress a while back. It was on Ebay and the seller had a 100% rating. I got the dress and it didn't look EXACT but very close when I took it out of the box. I paid $7 for the dress but 175 for shipping...roughly. I was so excited about the dress I couldn't wait to get it on. I jumped in it right away. It felt great, it fit great. Then I walked over to the mirror. It was NOT great--- the neckline wasn't straight and the side hems didn't match. I thought hey I am frugal and this is okay but the more I looked at it I just couldn't bring myself to wear that dress. I was out $200 and I was a bite sad.


I did end up buying another dress online but this time I got it on OneWed.com and it was from a designer I was familiar with. I am very happy about that choice and can't wait to have the alterations done so it fits like a glove.


Best of luck is all I have to say.

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Originally Posted by luciel2820 View Post
When I asked for an update on my dress on April 1st she said it would be done in 5-7 days + 4-5 days for shipping. I received it on April 26. So you should be receiving it any day now
Frustrating huh? Well I got an email from them today with the new proof pics. They said that they had sent them several times- which they defnitely have not!

But now I am wondering if I should have gotten something more 'bridal' oh well, too late now!!! I'll post pics as soon as I receive! (of course)
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OK LadyTrunck and AJ Mitchell keep us posted. Both your dates have me very concerned since neither of you has received your dress yet and still having problems with communication. What is your deadline to receive the dress (as in when did they say they will ship). I know AJ has a back-up but LadyTrunck do you have a back up as well? I am keeping my fingers crossed for both of you. I'm sure it will work out fine, it always has in the past. Good luck ladies!

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Originally Posted by LadyTrunck View Post
Frustrating huh? Well I got an email from them today with the new proof pics. They said that they had sent them several times- which they defnitely have not!

But now I am wondering if I should have gotten something more 'bridal' oh well, too late now!!! I'll post pics as soon as I receive! (of course)
Funny you say that, cuz I asked them to add more beading to my dress they said it'd be done by Monday (last) I emailed them this morning and they said they emailed me the pics too and I didn't recieve it either!!

Not too fussed as I have a while just thought it was interesting that they told you the same x
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