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anyone else concerned about the oil spill?

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and how it might affect your trip??


i'm hoping that by the time 8 months comes around we will be able to go in the water and still enjoy our trip... i hope this oil doesnt spread much further....... sad.gif

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Yes, I am worried about the oil spill, but because I live in Louisiana and in Terrebonne Parish. WE are in the projected path. But am I concerned that it will reach Mexico? NO! They would have to take months and months to cap the well for it to reach all the way to mexico and I don't think it will take them that long. As for what has already leaked into the Gulf of Mexico, there is no way that will reach to Mexico. There are too many boats and crews working to clean it up.

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I am worried about it too!! I was watching the hearing on oil spill yesterday and I'm so disappointed in these so cold elite corporate america executives. All they do is pointing fingers at each other and don't even try to take responsiblities of their part in this disasterous event. I understand they are afraid of the huge liability to the company, but if adults can't show childen how to take responsibility in the nationwide media, that is just the bad mannarism to pass on to next generation. I'm sorry guys, I'm just a little upset about the whole incident. It's heartbreaking to see sea animals suffering and dying everyday because of this...sad.gif

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I am definitely concerned about all the negative impact this oil spill is going to do on the ocean environment. Its so sad to see and even sadder that its taking so long to stop the spilling... I've also heard the whole concern about it making it to the Mexico coast, and having the possibility of impacting Playa Del Carmen for our wedding. Anyone know any good websites to look into this at, because our guests were going to be booking soon and have shown concerns.

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I'm sorry - I feel compelled to jump in - I absolutely agree with you that it's tragic what is happening to the sea life...more tragic what has happened to those 11 human beings that were killed and my heart goes out to their families and friends - and to their coworkers on the rig. Now here's my disclaimer - I am connected to the oil industry, my fiance is employed by an oil company and so maybe the way I look at things is different then others because of it. with that said...I have to disagree with any comments about oil executives not handling the situation - the oil companies are pulling together to try to fix this - but the bottom line is, this was a tragic accident and it didn't just involve one company, it involved several and them along with their competitors are stepping up to get this fixed. So instead of pointing fingers at an oil company and it's executives or dwelling on what they're saying to the media, I'd rather just say a prayer for the families of the victims, the fishermen in louisiana and florida and even parts of texas who are affected and of course for the animals who have been affected.

That's my two cents. Now I'll step off my soap box. I really don't mean any offense to anyone - I just felt the need to voice my opinion.

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