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Amanda, both Tiffany and Fabio confirmed with me that you DO NOT need to be legally married before you go if you're just doing the symbolic ceremony. We didn't even bring our marriage certificate with us to prove we were or were not married. In fact, Amy(Kittenheart) isn't having her legal ceremony until they go to Vegas on June 26th.


If you do go to a JP before you go, do not worry one little bit about the excitement wearing off before the big ceremony. I've never heard a bride say that happened! We were worried about this too. Our legal day was special and powerful and emotional (surprisingly so), but it did not even come close to what we consider our real wedding, i.e. Mexico. There's no question for us that our anniversary is April 17th and not our legal day (something I was worried about feeling). All your time, effort, money, and love goes into the Mexico ceremony--a piece of paper won't change that! I think I speak for most brides when I say it didn't even cross my mind on my wedding day that I was technically legally married already.

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My FI and I are getting legally hitched in July. His grandparents, whom he is VERY close to and who are not going to be able to make it to Mexico, will be our witnesses. They will be the only other people there. It was really important to both of us that they be included somehow in our wedding, so they don't feel left out.


We're going to keep it on the DL...I don't really plan on telling anyone, although we won't lie if we're asked. I'll still call him my fiance until we have our ceremony in Mexico, because that's when I'm considering it "for real". We already feel married...we own a house and have two dogs...he tells everyone I'm his "better half" (he's right...hehe) What's going to make it real for me is walking down the aisle in my white dress...I cannot wait!!!

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Celina, you are so welcome!! I hope it helps convince the guests you have that are on the fence about staying there with you.

Oh and thanks for your patience. Whew, it's such a load off to have that done!
Oh, I'm totally sending the link for the review to everyone in my wedding facebook group...I hope you don't mind!
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I don't mind!


We also kept our legal ceremony on the DL. Only 2 people know the actual date, and only a handful know that Mexico wasn't our legal ceremony. Like you, we didn't lie about it and told people if they asked. We wanted to downplay it as much as possible so that Mexico was the real deal. We definitely still called each other "fiance" between our legal day and our ceremony.

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Amanda, both Tiffany and Fabio confirmed with me that you DO NOT need to be legally married before you go if you're just doing the symbolic ceremony.



That's so funny since Tiffany told me I had to. Ha. Sounds about right.


Thanks for letting me know how it worked out for you, it certainly makes me feel better. Plus we don't have any family here with us (besides our 9 month old) and so no one (excpet for a witness) will be there. Our parents will know but keeping it at that. I can just imagine some of my family members complainng now that they were flying all the way to Mexico to be there for a "fake wedding" Got tolove family sometimes.

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Amanda, both Tiffany and Fabio confirmed with me that you DO NOT need to be legally married before you go if you're just doing the symbolic ceremony.



That's so funny since Tiffany told me I had to. Ha. Sounds about right.


Thanks for letting me know how it worked out for you, it certainly makes me feel better. Plus we don't have any family here with us (besides our 9 month old) and so no one (excpet for a witness) will be there. Our parents will know but keeping it at that. I can just imagine some of my family members complainng now that they were flying all the way to Mexico to be there for a "fake wedding" Got tolove family sometimes.

Um..hello...they get to go to Mexico! Beautiful sunshine, sandy beaches, endless cocktails...you couldn't get me to complain about that fake wedding or not!!! But you're right...I expect to hear it from certain family members. But hey, they don't have to come if they don't want to!
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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post

Um..hello...they get to go to Mexico! Beautiful sunshine, sandy beaches, endless cocktails...you couldn't get me to complain about that fake wedding or not!!! But you're right...I expect to hear it from certain family members. But hey, they don't have to come if they don't want to!

I had a friend tell me "No! Don't do that! It would make your mexico wedding a fraud!!!" That was a bridesmaid actually. How F'ed up!!


So, we did it and did not tell anyone - even my closest friends and family. We've been "married" for almost 2 months now but we pretend like we are not. It was just the legal day, it means nothing to us (except maybe that we wont get as nervous in mexico - which is a good thing).

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