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Here are a couple pics of the gazebo so you can see their decorating. It was nice and simple.


I will definitely post more pics for you guys once I get them from the photographer. Or just let me know if there is anything else specific that you would like to see.






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It looks like you had such a wonderful wedding! Thanks for answering all of our questions and posting pictures, it really helps a lot :) What time of day did you get married? And how much time did you have for pictures with family etc. after the ceremony and before daylight was gone?



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Hi Meitra,


Our ceremony was set to start at 5pm, I think it actually started around 5:15. It depends on what it most important to you - the pics during the ceremony or the organized pics after. The pics during the ceremony were great for us because the sun was starting to go down, but it was definitely rushed afterward and we did not have time for as many pictures as I thought we would. To avoid this, you could start at 430 or so? But then the sun would be pretty bright during the ceremony...


Also, you can plan to do many of the pics before hand that don't require both of you - like bridesmaid and groomsmen pics, and I also had Chris do his own family pics before the wedding and this saved a lot of time and allowed the photographer to take her time on those.


We did use the minister they recommended. I would definitely meet with him in advance. He gave us a sheet of what he usually says during the ceremony and there were a few things that we really didn't like and I am very happy we were able to tell him not to say some of those things - such as "if anyone in the audience disagrees with this union please say so now" - I mean who wants that said at their wedding, I think I have only seen that in the movies! He did a great job in the end. Oh and we really liked the sand ceremony and he did a nice job of explaining its significance during the ceremony. And we did do our own vows that we read to each other ourselves which was really special and made it a more intimate ceremony. We also had two readers of poems that we chose.


Hope this helps, let me know if I can answer anything else. I know lots of questions come up in the final planning!



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Thanks Christy.

We still can't believe how great everything was! I know they will do a great job with yours too. After having a destination wedding, we can't imagine doing it any other way!



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Originally Posted by dazzliing4 View Post
I am so sad I cant download any of the attachements to see Ibcs pictures :-( but everything sounds so wonderful. Glad to hear about kevan the DJ, we booked him as well.
Dazzliing--you will be able to download the attachments one you reach 150 posts...keep being active in the forum and you will be there before you know it! :)
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