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Butterfly4kathy2's Planning Thread

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**update 8/12/10**


It was pointed out to me that I never actually listed anything about the wedding location that we got married at. I will update that at the bottom of the page!**


Ok! I am WAY beyond excited to post this! I love love LOOOVE reading everyone else's! They were so helpful and so much fun. I rememeber thinking that I was never going to be done planning, so it is amazing to actually be at this point!!


Kelly had told me for a number of years that he didnt know if he ever wanted to get married. He went on and on about it so much that I really started to believe that he was telling the truth and that it wasnt just his nerves talking. So when we went to Jamaica in November I never gave anything a 2nd thought. Well the 2nd day we were there I spent WAY too much time in the sun and got pretty bad heat stroke and was sick for 2 nights of our trip. All I wanted to do was lay in bed. He kept asking if I was feeling good enough to take a walk on the beach, and I just didnt. So on the 4th night of our trip I was feeling better, we went out for a great dinner and then - FINALLY - the walk on the beach. We were standing in front on the water and it was really dark. He said "Hey, do you think the camera would work right now?" and I said "Yeah, it should" and I turned around and he was down on one knee!!! I was SHOCKED, but it was so dark that I couldn't see the ring. Not that it mattered. So of course I said yes! And then he told me about how he had been wanting to ask me for days but I was too sick! LOL I am glad he didnt lose his nerve!

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(the night we got engaged.. this is at dinner before it happend. If you look at his beard you can see that he got so nervous waiting to ask me that he pulled some of the hair out and there is a spot there! LOL)

The Rings:
Here is my ring with my wedding band. It is equal to 1 carat and is a green tourmaline with 4 diamonds on each side.

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Kelly's ring:

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I ordered simple invites through Zazzle. And I sent them out WAY too early.. when I should have done STDs first. It worked out just fine.. but I learned my lesson there lol

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Information cards with the travel agent info and our website information

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The Dress:

When I was home for Christmas I went dress shopping with my mom. My dress is by Allure. I dont remember the style number at the moment though. This was the day I found it

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(pardon the dorky look on my face, and the bad quality)

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My wedding jewelry:

This is one of the MANY things that I ordered from Etsy.

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My wedding shoes from Target

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Engagement Pics:
We found an AWESOME local college student that is trying to build her portfolio that did our E pics for $30!! yes! $30!

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We got married at Las Caletas (through Vallarta Adventures) which is a private beach that you can only get to by boat. It was AMAZING!




So worth checking out if you are looking for a more private location which is EXACTLY what we wanted



Lots more to come....

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Another E pic


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I also got my first hair trial done


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I wasnt all that fond of it, so I got another one


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This was a little better, but I think that I am going to go with something more like this


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Here is my garter that I also ordered from Etsy


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Wedding Gifts!!


For the girls I got them a beach tote (No pic)

A personalized towel


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a bracelet


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and a sarong (also no picture)


and the guys also got a towel


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and a flask


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Still LOTS more to come.............

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Kelly suit was ordered from Studio Suits! It turned out AWESOME! But we got some of the measurements wrong and got the suit too late so we rented the groomsmens suits from a local place


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Pardon the fact that he didnt tuck his shirt in and didnt take the HUGE tag off lol


Wedding Favors:

Our wedding favors are "Love Savers" which are pretty much just Breath Savers that me MOH and I wrapped in our monogram! They turned out AWESOME! and they were cheap to make


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Our table "numbers" I ordered from Zazzle. They are just postcards (very cheap) that I made . They all say "I love you" in different languages (like french, germa and even Pig Latin! LOL)


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Here is our cake cutter!!!


My awesome MOH can make anything I swear! I just bought a plain cake cutter set from Target and she got some wire and beads! AWESOME!!! and MUCH MUCH cheaper


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Here is the "passport" that I sent out a few days ago to everyone. It has a packing list, map of the resort and things like that in it


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I also sent a luggage tag for everone in the envelope



STILL more to come!!!!

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Place cards


I bought some regular "tent" style cards at the craft store and some pretty pretty orchid stickers. I printed the cards out myself and added the stickers. I think they turned out great


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Flowers for the Parents:


When I heard how much the wedding location wanted to charge for bouts and corsages, I almost fainted! Luckily my MOH can make anything!! so we picked up some fake flowers and here they are


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Flowers for reception


Here is my flower insp. pic for the tables


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I got some of these freeze dried orchids from Save On Crafts! They are AWESOME!


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I will use them pretty much like this


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Here are my Photoshare cards that will go in the OOT bags and also the Thank You cards! (yes, I will big people until they post the pics they took! LOL




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More to come....

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Mom's dress:


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and the necklace that my MOH made for my mom


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We will be doing a sand ceremony, so here is the sand frome that we will be using.


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Ok, I think that is it. Though I am sure there is stuff that I have forgot. If you have any questions about where I got anything or whatever just let me know. I am happy to help!

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Originally Posted by sammysgirl View Post
Kathy- where did you get the stickers for the name cardshuh.gif I love that touch! Very cute!
Thanks!! I got them at the craft store. They are Martha Stweart stickers! She has a whole line of stickers and things like that! They are AWESOME!!!
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