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April 2010 Brides

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hey ladies so i guess you can probably tell that as i am on here my flight was cancelled the volcano stopped our flight so now we have had a replan and are now going to cyprus on sunday and will get married on 29th april (i hope) so i am still an april 2010 bride (just) sucks to be still at home but nothing we can do hope everyone who has already taken the plunge this month had an awesome day and those who havent yet good luck with everything

much love jodi xx

(who is now off to amend her profile details)

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Awe Jodi, so sorry to hear that the volcano affected your flights too! We have some guests who won't know until Fri if they are able to get out or not.

Just be Thankful that you were able to reschedule everything, Cyprus will be STUNNING!!!

Hope everything else goes wonderfully for you! Were most of your guests still able to attend??


Jenna!!!! Your pics are absolutely GORGEOUS!


Mel, thanks for the thoughts on my arm, lol, it was a close call and could have been so so worse, so I can handle a huge scar pretty well!


Not Long now Girls and we'll all be married Folk!!! well for those of us who have had their legal day we technically already are, lol...but the ceremony will solidify the deal!! EEEK!!! 3 more full days!! yay!!

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Originally Posted by jodi_22n View Post
hey ladies so i guess you can probably tell that as i am on here my flight was cancelled the volcano stopped our flight so now we have had a replan and are now going to cyprus on sunday and will get married on 29th april (i hope) so i am still an april 2010 bride (just) sucks to be still at home but nothing we can do hope everyone who has already taken the plunge this month had an awesome day and those who havent yet good luck with everything
much love jodi xx
(who is now off to amend her profile details)
Awww Jodi - sorry you have been affected by this. In the end, you're getting married - most important thing.

I know the rest of you are getting excited....I'm so excited for you!thewave.gif
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I loved seeing everyones pictures... I couldn't look at all of them though, since I haven't set up a Facebook account yet.


Suzy, sorry to hear about your arm, but I'm glad your son wasn't hurt.


Jodi, so sorry to hear about the change in plans. Hopefully things will work out for you on the 29th.


Well, we leave tomorrow! I can't believe I'll be a married woman on Sunday... so exciting!!

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Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 View Post
I loved seeing everyones pictures... I couldn't look at all of them though, since I haven't set up a Facebook account yet.

Suzy, sorry to hear about your arm, but I'm glad your son wasn't hurt.

Jodi, so sorry to hear about the change in plans. Hopefully things will work out for you on the 29th.

Well, we leave tomorrow! I can't believe I'll be a married woman on Sunday... so exciting!!
OHHHHH Yay!!!!
I hope your day is beautiful! I know you will be!
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Wow, I've been back for over a week, and still didn't have any time to catch up. Way to busy with work, home reno, and just regular housework. I'll try to give out details and post pics in a few days, just a word to say it was fabulous.


I've seen a few pics looking throught, very nice! And it's so bad for you Jodi, I mean a delayed trip is one thing, your delayed wedding, ouch! You seem pretty zen about this.

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OMG SUZY what happen? for some reason I can'tfind your post about what happen to your arm?

Hope everything is ok sad.gif



Thanks so much!!! they were a lot of fun to take, and I will def post the website on Sunday. Can't wait to catch up and see yours and everyone elses



OMG the dress was so heavy, I was taking a few alone, and Mike scream 'babe, your out of your dress' I got a friend to video tape it, and sure enough you see a nipple lol how embarrassing!!!!! ah well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have fun Nat, all the best wishing you best weather and a safe trip.


I have a friend who came for the wedding from Ireland, he was suppose to leave on Saturday and his still stuck here, he travelled alone, but didn't buy a package he booked it separately so they moved him to a different resort. We feel horrible especially since his alone so the first few days we spent all our time with him, but we also spent a lot of money for our second week for a honeymoon, so I told he we needed some alone time, and I feel horrible about that but I think he understands, so we meet up on the beach during the day and have a drink or two then head back to our room. I feel so stuck in the middle tho!!!

Good news, there was 1 flight out of Punta Cana today going to England, they are hopeful they will have another one here for him tomorrow to get back there. Then he can work his way back to Ireland from there.


Well sadly, we have gotten some alone time, and had a tad bit of fun, but my crohn's is really bad these days just so draining, feeling horrible. So off to bed.

I will come back tomorrow at some point, see how everyone is doing.



I can't imagine how hectic it has been gettign back home to 'normal' life again. I'm def not lookin forward to it, but miss my kitties to death (they are like my children lol)



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Jodi- so sorry to hear about your change of plans. I'm glad you were able to find somewhere else to go and I hope everything goes really well for you on your big day!


Natasha- have a safe trip! Good luck- and in case I don't get a chance before I leave myself: have a wonderful wedding!


ewok- I think it's going to be hard for me to get back into the swing of things after our trip, too.


Tracy- OMG, you've got me choking on my coffee with your "your out of your dress" story! Lol- you are too funny. I'll keep an eye on mine now when I do my TTD- I'll be thinking of you! I'm sorry to hear about your friend- that would be awkward. Sounds like you guys have a good balance going on, though. Hope you feel better soon!

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