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DIY Pictures (in addition to some professional)

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My big fear with DIY photos is that my guests will be watching the wedding THEMSELVES and not remember that we want a PICTURE of that moment. Plus being out of focus, not centred, weird angles, random people getting stuck in the photos. I agree with KimmyG....photos are one of my MOST important things on my list, I am cutting down on decorations, flowers AND food in order to have a photographer!! I am just trying to convince my FI now that its worth it!! He is in the DIY boat....so we are butting heads about this subject!

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Diva, I didn't think I cared too much about pictures either, until I realised how many "must-have" shots were missing from my own. A good photographer is worth every penny, and regardless of whether your pics sit on a shelf, you will still take them down now and then and be grateful that your day was captured so eloquently. The photojournalism style that is so popular right now results in some stunning, magazine-quality shots of your friends, family and you and DH. Those shots are priceless.


If you can swing it, up your budget a bit. You won't regret it!

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Yea, I found a reasonable photographer that I am planning to go with. I just may have to take on some extra work, but I will get it done! My FI is very frugal, and on the DIY kick (like yours blissful) so I will have to scrape for the photo money on my own, which will happen :)


Thanks ladies

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally Posted by michelle10 View Post
I am just going to rely on the photos that come in the package. One of my BMs husband does photography as a hobby, and is really good so he is going to supplement. I just can't see spending a lot of money on photos that are going to be put in a book and stored on a shelf .... just my thoughts though.
Honestly I didn't care either until I acutally saw our resort photographer pics. They were terrible. We are hiring an outside photographer for our wedding and it is costing a lot but I was happy to budget and do it. You should maybe check out some pics from the free package so that you have all of your options before you make a decision.
I hope it all works out!!!!
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Just as an FYI, a good way to have your guests share photos with you is to have a google account. What I did was set up a separate google account for the wedding and on my wedding website include the link and the password to Picasa. That way my guests can upload and share their pics with us and everyone else. I will then choose the ones I want. Easy and free.

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Im going to be honest here and will tell you that I got my previews from my photographer(who is GREAT i can't say anything bad about him) just recently and well they were beautiful BUTTTT.... I have to admit that a lot of my guests took pictures that were equally AMAZING.. In some instances, for example the garter dance my husband did love.gif, our guests captured the moment way better and at a better angle than the photographer did. So if your budget doesn't allow it and its something that you can live with and not regret I say go for it. Honestly for me a memory is a memory. Yes, prof photographer pics will never be the same as some random person taking a picture but in the end its a picture and a memory of your wedding :)... Good luck!

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I'm in the same situation, unfortunately the budget is over ruling everything, its just how it goes. So I'm just going to be sure to spread the word about guest taking pictures. And my MIL was a photography teacher so between her and all the guest I'm sure I'll get some great shots besides the ones that the pro photographer takes.


I'm also going to make "photo share cards" for the OOT bags as a reminder to guest. And I've already created an online album for them to upload directly to.

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I think that it's great that you found some room in your budget to get more pictures taken. I would worry if I asked my guests to take the photos that if in the end the photos aren't good, that it could strain relationship. It's all a question of priority though, if you don't really care about pictures, then it's not such a big deal... but if you care, then DIY isn't the right route to go...

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Originally Posted by AtteGirl View Post
I'm also going to make "photo share cards" for the OOT bags as a reminder to guest. And I've already created an online album for them to upload directly to.
We are doing the same thing. We have a relative that does photography, not professionally since she teaches as her career, but she's agreed to do some pictures for us. Between her, the Sandals photographer, and our guests, I'm sure we'll have plenty of pictures to treasure.
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Originally Posted by DWbridetobe View Post
We are doing the same thing. We have a relative that does photography, not professionally since she teaches as her career, but she's agreed to do some pictures for us. Between her, the Sandals photographer, and our guests, I'm sure we'll have plenty of pictures to treasure.
For sure Brandi...Ive been talking to the resort photographer and I've seen their work! Sounds like we're thinking the same way...with so many friends...we will get those couple of shots that will be frame worthy! It will be such a wonderful day that I'm sure the pictures will be fabulous!
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