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OMG Sammysgirl I am HATING reading that you have to go through all of this so close to the wedding! I agree with what has been said about going to the shower and just being cordial. Not friendly, not nicey, but just being there. I feel That if you donâ€t go, it is going to just cause many problems in the future. Unfortunately, these people are going to be part of your lives forever, and even if your FI is hopping mad right now, itâ€s likely that it will blow over in months, years, etc. Being the bigger person in this scenario really sucks. Iâ€m so sorry!! Let us know what happens love.gif


Adrienne and Samira- Thank you SO much for your ideas ladies! I think I really needed confirmation on the chairbows, and also the beautiful ocean background. Iâ€ll def get some petals from them, and do the aisle too.

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Originally Posted by sammysgirl View Post
neither S's mom or dad will be coming to Mexico. I am beyond angry. there is not one good reason for his parents not to come.There are no words to describe how I am feeling right now.
Originally Posted by LadyTrunck View Post
OMG Sammysgirl I am HATING reading that you have to go through all of this so close to the wedding! love.gif
I can totally empathise with you Sammysgirl, My FI parents excuse is his dad cant sit on a plane for that long and the 2nd excuse is they have a dog.... Im livid at these feble(s?) excuses as i have said you dont have to sit for the whole time and he can walk around the plane if he wants and they could put the dog in kennels!!! Im more upset at the fact i know FI is putting a brave face on and i HATE seeing him upset. his sis, hubby and neice are the only ones from his family coming. Sis has said she would try and work on his mum n dad for us but i just dont know. makes me want to cry everytime i think about it!!!
And like ladytrunk says its such a shame you have to go through this so close to your wedding, i wish i could say something that would make it ok!!

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Hi everyone! I'm back and had a wonderful time. Happy to answer all your questions, post them here! We havent even uploaded our pics yet but I know they're going to be great. The resort is lovely, the gazebo was the perfect place to get married.

Sorry to hear of the family drama- we had our share of that as well, but when you're standing at the alter you won't remember any of that!

I can't wait to write my review, I have so much to share!!

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