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Does anybody need a workout buddy - to be accountable???!!!


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I loaded a U-Haul almost entirely by myself today. Thank goodness my nephew shoudl up to help...


I pick Jay up at the airport at midnight. thewave.gif


We will be loading the rest of the stuff at 6am....needless to say, I will be getting a great workout 2 days in a row.


My body is exhausted!

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What about all you other girls?


I worked out Wednesday night and Thursday night. I am going away for the weekend, so this will be a bad weekend, but I am back at it on Monday when I meet with my trainer.


I have not posted on the blog cause I have not really figured it out yet.


Ladies, where are you? Tell us about your workouts. smile117.gif

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Originally Posted by foxytv View Post
I'm trying to talk myself in to signing up at the Y after work tonight (planned on it the other night, but didn't happen). Ugh...
You should do that, you will feel a lot better. And, if you sign up, there is a better chance you will actually go smile123.gif
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Originally Posted by Julesr View Post
You should do that, you will feel a lot better. And, if you sign up, there is a better chance you will actually go smile123.gif
Oh true. Just hungover today so the couch is ssoo appealing. I used to go to the gym 3-5x / week ... but it was emptied out and shut down one day ... and so I just never found another to go to in the past few months. But ... I've lost almost 15 pounds ... so I need to get back to it before the weight finds me again. aarrgghh!!! fencing.gif
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Originally Posted by foxytv View Post
Oh true. Just hungover today so the couch is ssoo appealing. I used to go to the gym 3-5x / week ... but it was emptied out and shut down one day ... and so I just never found another to go to in the past few months. But ... I've lost almost 15 pounds ... so I need to get back to it before the weight finds me again. aarrgghh!!! fencing.gif
15 lbs, that is awesome Tammy.

Ladies, what did we do on the weekend? Did anyone work out?

Sorry, it was a long weekend for me, so I forget that yesterday was Monday. So, on the weekend and last night. Tell us what you did girls.

Tammy, did you join the gym?
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I worked out on Saturday morning, and had Sunday off, although we're putting our house on the market, so it was a lot of moving & lifting!


Had yesterday off, will do Hip Hop Abs tonight! The Firm tomorrow morning and some cardio on Thursday, then it's out of town until Sunday!


Julie, you're very good at this...exactly what I needed was someone to check in!

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Originally Posted by jak27 View Post
I worked out on Saturday morning, and had Sunday off, although we're putting our house on the market, so it was a lot of moving & lifting!

Had yesterday off, will do Hip Hop Abs tonight! The Firm tomorrow morning and some cardio on Thursday, then it's out of town until Sunday!

Julie, you're very good at this...exactly what I needed was someone to check in!
You ask, I bug. lol Just kidding.

That is great. Good stuff. I am meeting my trainer tonight, and again on Thursday, I think I will take tomorrow off, and then get to the gym on Sunday as I am busy the rest of the week. I think 3 times is pretty good. That is my goal for now. When I have 1 month to go, I will have to up that for sure.
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