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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Crista - You've been busy girl! Centerpieces sound awesome and it's funny working with Lomas in Mexico and Shanghai for my TTD everything is in cm so I'm actually getting used to it :)


I can't believe you lost 3 sizes, that's such an accomplishment!!


It does suck to have to assemble your invites alone but sometimes when I'm alone I get the most done!

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Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ View Post
The best news of all... clothes! I know my body has changed but I don't think I realized how much until I started trying clothes on. I've literally gone down 3 sizes! I felt amazing and it boosted my confidence so much. I was super cranky at work today after returning from a couple days off, I took my gym bag to work with me, but on the subway ride after work I contemplated going home and putting on sweats and being lazy... and then I remembered that feeling... and I went to straight to the gym, hit the elliptical and then a body pump class. I love this feeling!
Crista - very motivational!!! That's great that you are making changes with so much time to go. I was not motivated until I was under 4 months - lol.

Keep up the good work!punk.gif
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Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Meredith, I've added you to the list! If anyone else needs to be added or removed, just let me know!

March 2010
Lolo – March 3, 2010
Melsha - March 16, 2010
April 2010
daifje - April 10, 2010
taylorwd – April 17, 2010 – Azul Beach
Aneliese26 – April 19, 2010
sunkissed bride - April 22, 2010
May 2010
27 dresses - May 5, 2010
LivandScot - May 7, 2010
KittenHeart - May 8, 2010
Mocashman – May 10, 2010
Erinandbrent2010 – May 14, 2010
Sammyhawk – May 19, 2010
Renee1811 - May 28, 2010
Amybermuda – May 29, 2010
June 2010
July 2010

meghan - July 2, 2010
Meesh – July 10, 2009
momichele – July 24, 2010
Daniepps – July 31, 2010
August 2010
September 2010

October 2010
amandamarieb – October 10, 2010
November 2010
~Crista-Lee~ - November 10, 2010
dstinationdrmr – November 12, 2010 – 4pm
December 2010
jaimeburns – December 10, 2010

January 2011
cjb0arder13 – January 31, 2011 – Azul Beach
February 2011
Less is More – February 19, 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
JaimeTalis – May 7, 2011
Add me, please! lecreatifbride Sept 4, 2010!!!
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Andrea, and girls... Did you or do you plan to send anything special for the guest who attended your wedding after you get back? Im sending out my THANK YOUs to guest for my AHR now and I still haven't sent my official thank you for my guest in Mexico. I went and bought a bunch of Thank you cards( not the bulk kind, big thank you cards) and Kenny, my husband had made a video compiled of all our pics of the wedding with music in the background. So were making copies of the video and sending it all who attended the wedding. Im just wondering if anyone else had any unique ideas on how to thank everyone who comes to mexico?

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Originally Posted by rkf1046 View Post
Hello All!
I just booked 12/11/10 for our wedding at AS! I have been trying to catch up and read all the posts, but there are so many!!! So very excited!!!
COngrats and welcome to happy planning!!! This is a great group of girls and were happy to have you!grouphug.gif
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Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Welcome!!! First and foremost - prepare for more drama. The best advice I can give is to ignore it and not let people ruin your planning process because of it. For those that choose not to come, your wedding will still be awesome without them and they will likely realize what idiots they were being after its all said and done.

Just a little tip for your ceremony time - I'm not sure how many pics you're planning to do after your ceremony but the sun sets pretty early at that time of year. I originally had mine scheduled for 4pm but my photogs had me change it to 3pm which I'm glad we did. By the time we were heading to dinner after our pics, it was already dark. But if you can't change your time or don't want to, its not a big deal :). Just thought I would throw it out there!
Thanks Nicole.

I did take that into consideration. The sun is supposed to set at 5:07 so I figured that we can get day pics (us getting ready), sunset and night pics. Who knows, I haven't even gotten a photographer yet so I may have to see about changing. It's so hard to decide whether I want to settle for the photogs they provide or splurge on another one! Decisions, decisions.
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Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ View Post
Hi Meredith,

Welcome to the group! I'm getting married November 10th, we'll be there at the same time! Woo Hoo! I'm all too familiar with the family/ friend drama, I've just decided to ignore it and not let them rain on my parade. Feel free to ask away, these ladies have been my life line through this process.

Yeah, I saw you're the 10th. Congrats!! There is also supposed to be another wedding on the 12th with me. I wonder who that is?

What are your colors?
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Hi Meredith! welcome3.gif

Nicole is right, it's absolutely crucial to remember that a DW is your decision and if that's what you want, don't let ANYONE, make you feel bad or guilty or upset you with what they say. This is ONLY the beginning and things can get tough but in the end it's YOUR day!! You do what you want and if some people can't come, won't come etc. they're the ones missing out, not you :)

That's been one of the toughest thing to deal with for me... people unable to come, people cancelling last minute etc. I truly hope you don't have to deal with any of this but the best thing I can tell you is that's it's not worth stressing over, it will drive you crazy and you can't control it.

On a lighter note, please feel free to ask us any questions, we're all happy to help! A few of us are closing in on our wedding dates in the next month so our planning threads/reviews/photos will help a lot!

:) Amy
Thanks for the advice. We actually went into it with the thought that if all of our closest friends and family could go, then we'd go through with it. So, it took us over 2 months to decide on Azul and in the process we picked everyone's brains that we HAD to have there. His parents were the main ones saying, "Just tell us when and where and we'll be there." When we finally booked the date and paid the deposits is when his dad made the comment that he didn't want to go to Mexico to get shot up by drug lords! WTF?

Anyway, it's all straightened out now. They're all on board now (I had to give them a geography lesson). So let the planning begin! Now where to start is the problem!
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