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Am I wrong to be upset? (FMIL dress)


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So...I am definitely looking for a 100% honest opinion.


My thought with wedding colors is that I wanted certain things to match/compliment each other - chair bows, turquoise runners, gm shirts, bm dresses, flowers, etc.. The one thing I didn't want in my wedding colors is our moms. My reasoning is that I just think it looks like they are one of the bridesmaids and it just seems odd to me.


To make story short, Sunday FMIL tells me that she bought a dress in bright turquoise (my color) and sends me a link. Not only is it the perfect color, it's long and chiffon like my bridesmaids were suppose to have. My FMIL is walking my FI down the isle so I picture how all my bms/gms will walk down..and then his mom...


am I making something out of nothing? Not bad considering I've been engaged 7 months and this is the 1st thing I freaked over wink.gif

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Did you make it clear to her earlier that you DIDN'T want her (and your mom) to wear turquoise? If you did, then you have every right to be ticked off. If not, well, it's going to be awkward, but if it's that important to you, then you will have to talk to her about it. Although, I've seen a few weddings where the family and guests dressed in similar colours to the wedding theme, and the pictures look awesome...

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I'd be pissed too if u already told her u didn't want the mom's to wear ur wedding colors. If u didn't tell her beforehand u can try to bring it up to her and see if she understands ur POV and would reconsider the dress. Did she see the BM's dresses already?? If she's set on wearing it I guess u have to let it go...there's probably a lot more to worry about in the next few months besides what ur FMIL is wearing. Good luck!!

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Yes, I agree. It depends on how important this is to you. If you already told them you didn't want them to match your wedding party, then say something. But if she loves loves loves her dress, and she gives some pushback, then maybe let it go and worry about other things.


I'm trying to get my mom not to be matchy matchy, and I'm constantly reminding her, not to match my bridesmaid dress colors. but she keeps shopping for dresses in matching colors... persistence is key. it's still early for me, but with only a few months left for your date, there are other things to focus on. good luck!

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personally i wouldn't care at all!


BUT since you do, i think the other posters have made a good point - did she know that you didn't want them to match, and went against your wishes? if so, that is tacky and rude IMHO.


but you can't assume that she knew this since 1) some people (like me!) just don't think to care about that stuff, and 2) some people try to match/coordinate the mothers to the bridal party


do you have a relationship where you can be honest with her and let her know how you feel?

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Thanks! That's just what I needed to hear :) I typically don't stress over little stuff I just don't like "matchy matchy"...also to me it just looks like the person is trying to be IN the bridal party...


My FI says he talked to her before and didn't explicitly say not to but hinted that she doesn't need to wear the same color...


anyhow..nothing left to do and no use worrying about it now, it will be her problem if she ends up looking silly...


thanks again!

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Originally Posted by vdaybride View Post
I dont think it is all that bad for her to be matching the party. If she came with a color taht clashes with the party... then you should worry!
AGREED! What if she was wearing bright red? Then she would stand out completely and really and truly you are the one who wants to stand out correct? At least she isn't wearing white wink.gif
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