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Alright, so I have been using wedding announcer from the get go, since December. I am going to suggest that you DO NOT use it.


One of our GM's emailed to say there was a lot of spam in the GM section of our site. So, I went in, cleaned it up, deleted the GM section and put on some rules that I had to approve all postings from people.


Well, I am getting lots and lots of emails, I mean I woke up to 80, in my inbox to approve the postings, even though I deleted those sections. I am going to try to change it to not email me, but I am really annoyed right now. If I were to do it again, I suggest you pay the $20 at another site and get a good wedsite.


Just an FYI!!

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Originally Posted by Julesr View Post
Alright, so I have been using wedding announcer from the get go, since December. I am going to suggest that you DO NOT use it.

One of our GM's emailed to say there was a lot of spam in the GM section of our site. So, I went in, cleaned it up, deleted the GM section and put on some rules that I had to approve all postings from people.

Well, I am getting lots and lots of emails, I mean I woke up to 80, in my inbox to approve the postings, even though I deleted those sections. I am going to try to change it to not email me, but I am really annoyed right now. If I were to do it again, I suggest you pay the $20 at another site and get a good wedsite.

Just an FYI!!
I have been using them since November... I had one spam message, and I made my comments have to be approved and I haven't got any yet...
another thing you can do is just password protect which I did for a while and then I wrote on the welcome page, password is "password" or "wedding" or whatever you want it to and than it stopped completely...
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Originally Posted by Raeka View Post
Yikes, I havent gotten any spam yet but I'll be on the look out.

That sucks Julie thats happening. Stupid SPAM I hate it!
do you use wedding announcer too?? I would love to see your site!! the only thing I dislike about it, is that there aren't many templates especially beachy or tropical....
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Originally Posted by beachbride View Post
do you use wedding announcer too?? I would love to see your site!! the only thing I dislike about it, is that there aren't many templates especially beachy or tropical....
I have not had many problems till now. But now, its really bad. I have had 20 more since I posted this thread this morning. I went in and said do not email me when someone one wants to post, but I have to approve it. So, I will see if the emails stop. Also, when I try to look at what is being sent to me to know if I want to approve it, there is no option to look at it. It is really quite odd. I would pay for a site for sure next time.

I also wish there were more templates, nothing in my wedding colours and I am not a big fan of all the flowers on most of the templates, so I went with the basic red one, even though its not even close to my colours of pink and brown.
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I love wedding annoucer. I haven't had a problem with spam, but that could happen with any site where you have a message board that isn't password protected. Mine isn't password protected, but if I get spam, I'll set it up.


I've gotten so many compliments on the site. I didn't want a lot of fancy stuff, like an animated intro page or music, because some of our guest still use dial up. I would've liked more choices for backgrounds, but the tulips are good enough. I also thought the set up to make the site was great.

I don't like the RSVP code thing.

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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
I love wedding annoucer. I haven't had a problem with spam, but that could happen with any site where you have a message board that isn't password protected. Mine isn't password protected, but if I get spam, I'll set it up.

I've gotten so many compliments on the site. I didn't want a lot of fancy stuff, like an animated intro page or music, because some of our guest still use dial up. I would've liked more choices for backgrounds, but the tulips are good enough. I also thought the set up to make the site was great.
I don't like the RSVP code thing.
yeah the RSVP'ing doesn't work like I would want it too...

Ladies post your sites, I would love to see!!
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Sorry, I also have one more complaint. I have had 3 problems with the site and they say to email them if you have any questions, I emailed them 3 timed and never once did anyone get back to me.


1 thing I love is the forum they have there. I asked one of the girls on the forum to help me make my picture square and they did it ASAP. But, none of them knew the answers to my other 2 questions.


I have got 4 more emails in the last 10 mins. I am getting really p'd off by the emails. Its annoying and I am trying not to let it bug me, but come on. I have got over 100 emails since I went to bed last night at 11 up till now, 10 hours, over a 100 emails.

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Originally Posted by Julesr View Post
Sorry, I also have one more complaint. I have had 3 problems with the site and they say to email them if you have any questions, I emailed them 3 timed and never once did anyone get back to me.

1 thing I love is the forum they have there. I asked one of the girls on the forum to help me make my picture square and they did it ASAP. But, none of them knew the answers to my other 2 questions.

I have got 4 more emails in the last 10 mins. I am getting really p'd off by the emails. Its annoying and I am trying not to let it bug me, but come on. I have got over 100 emails since I went to bed last night at 11 up till now, 10 hours, over a 100 emails.
apparently, I heard them say on there that they guy that started the website doesn't care really about the website....

"The problem is the admin doesn't really pay attention to the site. His only role anymore seems to be to keep the site running, and that's about it."
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Originally Posted by beachbride View Post
apparently, I heard them say on there that they guy that started the website doesn't care really about the website....

"The problem is the admin doesn't really pay attention to the site. His only role anymore seems to be to keep the site running, and that's about it."
That is really annoying, he should appoint someone to look after the admin stuff.

Your site looks great Shelley, you must be much better at it then I am. My site is just basic and boring. I do need to update it, I have just been so busy and it took me so long to get it running that I just did not want to touch it for a long time after that. lol
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