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I really am not a huge fan of a book with peoples names written in it. I would much rather have someone draw a funny picture or share a great memory at our wedding/party.

We are having our pre-wedding party next Saturday so that is why I have this done so early.

SOOO I made up a book so people can do this. Our good friend beachbride shared a poem that came just in time for me to use. THANKS!

I did add something to the end because a few of my friends are not in relationships and they might be discourage from sharing tips.

Here is the poem she shared with my extra lines.


a very treasured gift

A piece of hidden knowledge we didn't know exists.

So share with us your wisdom about

marriage, love and life

How to be a loving husband or to be

the perfect wife.

Please write your thoughts

and wishes to share with us for life

For the greatest gift of all is the gift of your advice.


If giving of advice doesn't appeal to you,

we have something else to ask you to do.

Share your favorite story of our times together

Placing them in this book will help us to cherish our memories forever.

Now on to your favorite part--PICTURES! I will warn you they are big so you can see the detail

The cover.

I bought a sketch book and put the ribbon and flower on.

Click the image to open in full size.


Cover page.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

The poem and some pictures of us as kids to spark some memories.

Click the image to open in full size.

This is all I am doing to these pages. I will have the guests write out their message to us and then put their picture where ever they have not written.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Wow-that took me forever to do! smile41.gif

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Originally Posted by Raeka View Post
I see that you got talent girl! Great job, you must be a scrapbooker!! That's a great idea too - if only I could get motivated to do this stuff.
Oh thanks. I have done them off and on for about 8 years. I was doing it before all the fancy papers came out so I am happy that I can make things faster than before.
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Originally Posted by Raeka View Post
I see that you got talent girl! Great job, you must be a scrapbooker!! That's a great idea too - if only I could get motivated to do this stuff.
Ahh yes, I would do it if I had tons of free time. It took me about 4 hours to do just those few pages. Cutting those circles out was killer!
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