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Mommies to be check in


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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
Congrats!! That second picture of you looking at him just brought tears to my eyes. What a precious moment.
Thank you, I can't even express how happy I was to get a shot like this. With my first son I had to be put under general anethesia and was knocked out so I didn't get to see him right away like this.

And Thanks everyone! I'm really happy he's here and loving everyday with him, I am dreading going back to work and wish I could find something I could do from home, but who doesn't : ) As far as the pain its getting better day by day, and I am glad I ended up having the C/S because otherwise we would have never known the problem.

Mrs. Martin, CONGRATS!!! So exciting to be having another. I think siblings close in age are great, my brother and I are 14 months apart. I didn't want so many years between my 1st and 2nd but DH drug is feet popping the question and I told him no more till we were married : ) Who knows, I may be joining you, I am not going back on any BC or taking any measures against it so I could be blessed with another soon too.
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Originally Posted by stacey View Post
How are all the new mommies to be doing? Sloan do you have a baby bump yet with those twins you are carrying?
I know! I can't wait to start seeing some bumps! I just have what looks like a college girl beer gut at the end of the day eek.gif

We're leaving Monday for our "honeymoon" because our wedding afterward was spent with our families - of course we're going to Italy the country of WINE! Haha, but hey, the food is just as good so I'll be having plenty of that! So I'll be MIA for a few weeks - good luck to those of you TTC and I'll see the rest of you mommies when I get back smile159.gif
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