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Dreams Punta Cana Brides

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Hi Lynette! Welcome to the Forum! You fill find great information here! congrats on your engagement and happy planning!


Hi Girls, they are charging you 2010 prices when you booked under the 2009 contract!!!huh.gif? That is ridiculoussssssssssss! I imagine it must be so frustrating... I wonder if they are going to charge me 2011 prices when we have our wedding on December... Crazy...

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Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
Hello ladies!!

I'm a fellow, soon-to-be DPC bride and I'm so excited my MOH found this site!! So much info and great ideas.....you guys are awesome!

Congrats to all of you lovely ladies!!

Hi Lynette congrats and welcome, you will be at the resort the same time I will be there, my wedding is on June 18th, but we arrive at the resort of the 15th, hope to see you.

Toya welcome3.gif
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Ladies theres always that little clause that each resort puts on there "prices are subject to change" which basically means we can charge you whatever we want and that really sucks. Like Jen said when I picked DPC it was the cheapest of all the reosrts for everything you got and now since they jack the prices up its about the same as some other resorts. The only benefit that I will say is that alcohol is included, I have seen alot of DR resorts make you pay extra for open bar, on top of paying for your dinner and cocktail hour.

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i am with toya on the price thing. it does stink, but i think the flexibility that dreams allows is still better than a lot of the other resorts. plus, the free wedding package is a great option! they do always throw that clause in there, and it stinks when it takes them forever to update the prices for the next year, but we never signed contracts agreeing to prices, so that's why they can do that. hopefully none of the prices changed significantly from last year and no one's budgets will be affected too much.


ashley, i was just thinking... have you heard about Google Docs? they are documents you can put out on the internet through google.. they have a URL and everything. if you made something like that out of all of the WC responses, rather than an email, if would probably save you the headache of making sure you email the file to everyone each time they want it. we use them on my cake decorating forum all the time to share recipes, etc.

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