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Help do you do couple's Itinerary??

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Okay, so I feel like since we are doing destination we should give our family and friends a potential itinerary outlining what we will be doing each day of the trip, that way people can join us or do there own thing. My fiance disagrees and would like to just go and not have it planned out. This is where we struggle in our relationship, I am organized and he is laid back. Any ideas, or know of destination wedding etiquette??


thanks!! Amy

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I think if you just give your guests an idea of what y'all are doing each day and leave it open for company it'll be just fine.

Some people might want to do stuff with you while others might just want to lay on the beach and veg out.

I think it's important to remember that for some, this is a vacation with a wedding. Not a wedding with a vacation.

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i agree with your husband on this one...just go with the flow. that's the beauty of a vacation...no set plans. you have one day planned for your guests - THE WEDDING!! let them do their own thing too...it's their vacation as well.


plan things day to day, hour by hour. let your biggest decision each day to be :

'do you go to the beach or pool, do you eat at the buffet or al la carte, do you drink beer or rum?' haha


you'll find even if the resort is huge you'll still run into everyone all the time.

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I had the same problem but we came to an agreement.

My Fi & I printed off 'boarding passes': 2 per person that iclude wedding info (time/place of wedding and rehearsal dinner), and the second one is for the day we are taking everyone to Xelha.

We also created a wedding website and there I was able to put useful links to hotel info, tour info and other opportunities and things to do for people who have never been there. Since I was reseaching anyways, the website was a great way to share it.


Hope this helps! Happy planning!

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Originally Posted by midnight24 View Post
i agree with your husband on this one...just go with the flow. that's the beauty of a vacation...no set plans. you have one day planned for your guests - THE WEDDING!! let them do their own thing too...it's their vacation as well.

plan things day to day, hour by hour. let your biggest decision each day to be :
'do you go to the beach or pool, do you eat at the buffet or al la carte, do you drink beer or rum?' haha

you'll find even if the resort is huge you'll still run into everyone all the time.
I agree with that, most people expect a vacation out of coming to your wedding and only really want one day planned for them. I'm sure people will ask you if you have anything planned and then that's when you can tell them, otherwise just go with the flow. Your wedding is only one day, that's the only day that needs any structured plan, otherwise just enjoy the rest of the week. You'll see that you and your guests will have more fun this way!
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I too agree with your husband. If people want to be with you they will ask what you're up to. Maybe you can let them know of planned trips or excursion but just stating: we'll be by this pool from 12-2 then lunch at so and so for an hour...just seems like overkill. You want to relax too and not have people in your hair the whole time!!

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i agree with your FI in this situation. it's a vacation, so relax and enjoy. plus the day of the wedding will be planned enough. we are doing a welcome dinner on wed, the rehearsal on thurs and the wedding on fri. those are our only "scheduled" events.


i want to spend time with our friends and familiy, but i don't want to have to worry about events or activities. plus many of your guest are prob using this as their vacation too, so i'm sure they would rather it be laid back :)

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