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anyone else have a problem with people wanting to book last min.?

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I know what you mean. My whole family booked their trips right away. So our wedding is in MAY, and EVERYONE in my FI family has YET to book their trip!!!! Is it me, or does anyone else find that a bit annoying? I mean, my wedding is in less than 3 months!

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I understad you!! It's great to hear that we're not alone and other brides are dealing with the same issues.


We sent our STD's to give guests one year notice. I spent time creating a website, finding a TA and sending travel info to make it easier for them. Well, as of today 9 out of 10 of our rooms are filled. I'm so glad we didn't block anymore. I have quite a few people who said they are coming but haven't put down their deposit for the room( was due Dec 1)Some people are have purchased their air tickets, others just the room and some nothing at all. We're five months out and the rates are as good as they'll get. I guess they will book when they're ready. I just hope no one complains when the prices increase.

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Originally Posted by ali0284 View Post
I know what you mean. My whole family booked their trips right away. So our wedding is in MAY, and EVERYONE in my FI family has YET to book their trip!!!! Is it me, or does anyone else find that a bit annoying? I mean, my wedding is in less than 3 months!
YIKES... three months away and none of FI's family has booked? That's really cutting it close.
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Oh Melissa,


I can relate. But I decided not to worry about any more. Since we decided to have a destination wedding, I have been so stressed with the drama.


"Why are you having a destination wedding?" "No one will be able to attend." This is not fair to us." "This is way too expensive." And the comments go on!


So I decided to plan the wedding (order favors) based on the people that confirmed verbally. Which is about 30 people plus my brothers & their families.


These people took the time to call/write to share my joy. I feel that if any of those people can not make the wedding, it would be sincerely a financial or emergency issue.


Therefore my plans are to share the favors with them present or absence!

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YES! I am having the same problems... my family have made all their travels plans and my fiance's family has not done a darn thing! Here we are 2 months and 2 weeks away and they haven't even researched where they will stay. I sent out STDs in May of last year and formal invitations in January. I made a website with places to stay and all that and so I feel the frustration. Not only are we waiting for his family to book, we still are waiting for one groomsmen to book and a few people who haven't even turned in their passport applications!! Aaaaauuuggghhh!! I am trying to hard to stay calm and not stress too much. I have started to order my OOT items and have decided to just buy for everyone who has verbally said they are for sure going and if they don't end up going I will still just give them the bag of goodies. Thanks for letting me get that out : )

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OMG ladies!!! Going through the same drama this week. Found out that the hotel was offering 50% off the rooms til 3/7 so called the TA to get the rate for the group. Got the rate!! YAY!! But now I got people saying that they are coming yet have not sent back their RSVP and haven't verbally RSVP'd I'm like WTFhuh.gif I told my mom by 3/22 if you have not sent in an RSVP, you are not coming and that's got to be it. I really cannot have crashers at a DW, I mean how do you even do that? On top of that FI Best friend may not be able to make it!! He's going to be crushed if this is the case. I am crossing my fingers hoping that it won't be the case.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We are having the same basic issues. Our wedding is in June, and half of the guests we "know" are coming have not booked yet. I know people will be procrastinators, and there is really not much you can do about it. We have had people who want to stay at another resort b/c they found a better deal, etc., etc. We have had wedding crashers...our motto is "book a room"!

Just know that you can't please 100% of the people, 100% of the time!

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I'm worried about the same thing, though I'm far from those worries - we haven't even booked anything yet.


But we attended a destination wedding last April, wasn't planning on going at first, but then my fiancé and I decided to go on vacation kind of last minute and just happened to be able get the same resort at the same time as my friends. We went earlier, and left earlier, but we did get a really great deal. We weren't in the same part of the resort as the wedding guests, but the bride and groom were able to include us in all the wedding festivities and were really happy we were there.

Maybe my situation was different, because we weren't even planning to go, it was just all last minute and got lucky, but they were happy we were there, and we were happy to be there for them as well.

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Originally Posted by JerseyBride1981 View Post
OMG ladies!!! Going through the same drama this week. Found out that the hotel was offering 50% off the rooms til 3/7 so called the TA to get the rate for the group. Got the rate!! YAY!! But now I got people saying that they are coming yet have not sent back their RSVP and haven't verbally RSVP'd I'm like WTFhuh.gif I told my mom by 3/22 if you have not sent in an RSVP, you are not coming and that's got to be it. I really cannot have crashers at a DW, I mean how do you even do that? On top of that FI Best friend may not be able to make it!! He's going to be crushed if this is the case. I am crossing my fingers hoping that it won't be the case.
I saw the same deal online and sent out a mass email to our friends and my mom alerted our family that still has not booked. How many people took advantage of this deal?! Just one person!!! I couldn't believe it! I sent out our STD back in Oct. which gave everyone 8 months notice and we have a wedding website (but I don't think anyone other than me has gone on). Some of our guests have asked when the invites are going out and I'm getting the impression they're waiting for them to go out to book which I think is silly. If you got the STD it has all the info and it means you're invited. Thank goodness I'm sending them out next week. But other than that we have around 12 people booked so far. I'm hoping for a lot of NO responses bc we want to keep it small but had to invite a ton of our cousins to not offend anyone. I hope no one tries to crash our wedding bc I don't think I will be as gracious as I would like to be...I guess I just have to wait and see!
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Like most other brides i can relate! We are getting married in Punta Cana at the Riu Palace in October and found out that from NYC (where most of our guests are leaving from) American Airlines & Jet Blue are the only two airlines that flies direct. The service on Jet Blue is new and very limited so that leaves them to fly American Airlines. Being that we have a large guest list (96 guests & counting) we made it known to our guests that there was a greater possibility of not being able to get a flight on the days of their choice. We also set up a great package deal w our travel agent and firmly let them know that June 1st is the deadline. 3 months ahead is plenty of times notice!

Like everyone else said, we do have to plan a wedding here! Maybe email updates letting your guests know that the resort needs to finalize your count (true or untrue) by a certain date would help put the fire under them to commit or decline!

best of luck to all!

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