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April 2010 Brides

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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
hee hee don't be embarassed! If you've never bought or worn them how are you supposed to know!

And it can't be as embarrassing as when I was dress shopping and my friend with me was the one asking "do you have the 'these' to go in 'here' to make them do 'this' for her?" complete with all the hand gestures of inserting padding for my boobs to give them some cleavage and oomph!
Lol- my cousin and my Mother were doing that when I was dress shopping! They kept telling me (really loudly) to go and put "those pad things" in the dresses each time I forgot to. Memories...
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Originally Posted by sasse75 View Post
I'm so glad that I found a thread just for April 2010 Brides....yippee!!!! Just from reading through some of the posts I was able to find a new mug vendor....promopays.ca. For any of you ordering from discountmugs have you had to pay crazy duty amounts? And Tracy I love all of your boudoir outfits :)


Oh, and welcome to the thread! I have ordered from discount mugs but haven't received them yet- I'll let you know what the duty charges are like when I get them.

I agree, Tracy- I love your outfits. The necklace is too cute and the jersey is a neat idea. I'm sure you'll have a great time when the time comes! I wouldn't worry too much about how you look in the lingerie, either, I don't think "hmm that doesn't really push up the boobs" will be the first thing going through his mind when he sees these pics, you know?
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Tracy your BD outfits are perfect! BD is on my mind as well :) Wear dramatic makeup if you plan to do black/white photos. I think silhouette pictures look great: pose in front of a sunny window to get that effect!


Lets talk legal marriage- are you guys doing it at home or at your destination? If at home, before or after your trip?

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Tracy your BD outfits are perfect! BD is on my mind as well :) Wear dramatic makeup if you plan to do black/white photos. I think silhouette pictures look great: pose in front of a sunny window to get that effect!


Lets talk legal marriage- are you guys doing it at home or at your destination? If at home, before or after your trip?

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Hi ladies!


Tracy - your boudoir outfits are perfect, I think! Different from each other, which will give you lots of different looks! And let me tell you, if your FI is a Habs fan, then you are marrying a good man! :0D Definitely a cute idea to use the jersey!


Kim - As for legal vs. symbolic ceremony, I was soooo set on a legal ceremony, really wanted my guests to witness our "real" wedding, and really wanted our first kiss to be our real first MARRIED kiss. BUT, I've heard from many brides at my resort, and the wedding coordinator, that there is only 1 judge in the DR who covers all weddings in the area, and thus is quite often LATE, and doesn't come until partway through your reception, or the next day. So to pay all that extra money for translation of documents, and the judge fee, to have him not even show up until the middle of reception, thus leaving us with a symbolic ceremony ANYWAY, we decided (after much himming and hawing) to go with a legal ceremony here in Ottawa first. We're getting legally married April Fool's Day, and our DR wedding is April 12. For the legal, I will be wearing a pink/purple dress (NO WHITE!), we are having our parents and 2 witnesses only, not exchanging rings, and doing traditional vows. To me, it's NOT our marriage/wedding, so I want to make it as little like a wedding as possible!



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Originally Posted by sasse75 View Post
I'm so glad that I found a thread just for April 2010 Brides....yippee!!!! Just from reading through some of the posts I was able to find a new mug vendor....promopays.ca. For any of you ordering from discountmugs have you had to pay crazy duty amounts? And Tracy I love all of your boudoir outfits :)

Hey Jill welcome to the thread!! Tell us more about how your planning is going! I was probably the one to recommend promopays.ca for the mugs, but ended up ordering from discountmugs.com in the end! There's another thread discussing mugs for us CDN buyers at frustrated-where-find-mugs-canada-54877 which might help you. One of the other girls said that she bought 50mugs I think from discountmugs and her brokerage charges were about $63. I am lucky enough to have a friend in the US who lets me send everything to her and the she passes it along to me :) For all the places that offer free US shipping, it works out great for me! Hope that helps!

Originally Posted by KimmyG View Post
Lets talk legal marriage- are you guys doing it at home or at your destination? If at home, before or after your trip?
We're having our legal ceremony at home as well, but not sure still about doing it before or after. Initially it was going to be after so that we didn't ruin the real wedding feeling in Mexico for ourselves or our guests but after hearing from a couple girls here who had VERY none-wedding-like legal days, we might just have it before hand so that once we have the ceremony in MX then everything will be totally official in all regards. Either way, we're not inviting any friends or family and *might* even have a DOUBLE legal signing day with the lovely SuzyQ76!! We figured that since we're both going the same route and don't want anyone here to know then using each other as witnesses is just about perfect!! Oh except my niece will be coming as well. She's only 7 and isn't coming to MX with us and is really sad about missing out on being a flower girl - so we're going to do a mock wedding certificate for her to sign as well to give her approval :)
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Thank you for the welcome :) Tara....I Love, Love the idea of April Fool's Day as a your legal day...so much fun. I think that we have decided on doing it afterwards....VERY VERY low key....we aren't telling a soul. Basically it's just the day we go in and sign the paperwork. My FI has been married before so it's just one more "process" that we would have to go through in Mexico. That, plus the extra cost - FORGET IT! But I think that some of my guests might freak, so we are keeping it hush, hush.



Meghan thank you for the thread....it will come in handy


My planning has been fairly stressful, at least lately anyway....my parents backed out on the amount of $$$ they offered to us (long story) after I had decided on our beach reception option which was out of our original budget. I have since decided...SCREW IT.....I'm doing it anway. My grandparents got turned down for medical insurance & trip cancellation insurance so that was a HUGE headache trying to get that sorted out and booked. I still have tons to do since we are having a fairly large AHR.....of which I had to cut down the 200 people that it has added up to. So now suddenly everyone including my FI (cause he sees I'm about to snap) has offered to help.....FINALLY!



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Ugh Jill... I can totally relate with the health insurance/trip coverage for grandparents!! My own aren't coming but FI's are and it was quite the issue getting their trips booked and making sure they were covered. Thankfully his mom lives in the same town (they're all in Manitoba) and I left it as her responsibility to get them through the process. It was my secret punishment to her for all the hassle she'd been giving me at the time, heheheh! It sounds like you've got it all sorted out now though so at least it's out of the way.


Isn't it nice when FI actually starts getting involved too? Mine hasn't really done ANYTHING up to this point because he thought I was getting way too involved way too early but now that we're down to the last couple months he's definitely being reasonable and not giving me attitude when I ask for his help or opinion on things.


I'm starting to realize (as much as I hate to admit it) that women really do have the genetic coding for things like planning weddings and having babies... while men just - don't. Fi just doesn't seem to realize all the things that needed to be done (and have been done by me along the way) but at least it's getting better now.

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Gawd I hear ya....I gave him the task of finding his own sandals, since he wanted to help....and get this he is somewhere in Toronto right now and he asked me where should he look? Look around you....how the frig should I know what stores are close by....grrrrrrr! TGIF....and a long weekend as well...gotta love Family Day!!!!

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kim - we're doing the legal part at home first and hamilton county's website has some realy helpful information about what you have to do to make it legal. if you need the info, let me know!


meghan.. we're actually doing something similar with J's daughter. we're about 99% sure at this point that she's not going to be able to come to the wedding.. even though she has no idea about this yet. but if she can't come she'll be going to the legal part with us. that way she gets to be there when it's "real" and it'll just be the two of us, her and one of J's sisters to be the witness and take pictures. we had to come up with a way to still make her feel special even though she can't come.

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