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I lost my ring today!

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Thanks for tip about the ring ! I have to tell you that I never took my ring off my finger. When we got our house, I was the one to paint the walls so my ring had a bit of yellow some burgundy and some white all around the diamond! Be careful when yo paint with a ring...it will eventually less shine unless you put on some gloves ! after the painting was done, I had it clean and since then it looks new !



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I am so glad that you found it and all turned out well. Try putting it on a chain around neck when you are at the gym.


Ok as you all know I am the black sheep of the bunch and I am on the floor rollling because you pulled your ring .......OUT OF YOUR A$$ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Woo now that I got that out .

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Originally Posted by bethtamar View Post
That is a great story (only because it has a happy ending) and a lesson to us all...which brings me to my question...how many of you have insured your ringshuh.gif
i hope everyone has their ring insured! i have all of my jewelry that's worth any value insured ... absolutely. which is the ring from my 1st wedding (still need to figure out what to do w/that), and a few pieces that have been handed down to me, and now my e-ring.

but even though it's insured, i'd be so upset if i lost this - even if they replaced it w/an identical one. THIS is the ring i want and nothing could ever replace it (same reason i'd never upgrade rings) - i really hope i never lose it, i'd be soooo upset!
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Originally Posted by akh View Post
but even though it's insured, i'd be so upset if i lost this - even if they replaced it w/an identical one. THIS is the ring i want and nothing could ever replace it (same reason i'd never upgrade rings) - i really hope i never lose it, i'd be soooo upset!

That's excatly how I feel ... and why I told Tom that I didn't want a replacement for mine. I am wearing my 'stand-in' ring until the wedding ... and then just wear my wedding band. We decided he can get me an anniversary ring down the road ... but even if he had the exact e-ring made for me again ... it's not the same thing. We've already picked out the WB adn it's a platinum 6-diamond Hearts on Fire ring, so it will suffice as both e-ring and WB.
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smile120.gif Oh my! I hate to say it, but I am laughing so hard at your story my side hurts! I think its so hilarious to me b/c that is totally something that would happen to me! I lose things and its either right where I'm sitting or somewhere crazy. Havent had to pull the lost and found out of my *** though! Loooooooool.


Glad you finally found it :~)

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Originally Posted by foxytv View Post
That's excatly how I feel ... and why I told Tom that I didn't want a replacement for mine. I am wearing my 'stand-in' ring until the wedding ... and then just wear my wedding band. We decided he can get me an anniversary ring down the road ... but even if he had the exact e-ring made for me again ... it's not the same thing. We've already picked out the WB adn it's a platinum 6-diamond Hearts on Fire ring, so it will suffice as both e-ring and WB.
tami - i am so sorry you lost your ring, i couldn't imagine. it makes me so man when people take something that isn't theirs. especially something that obviously has sentimental value.

i have to take mine off for a couple of the soccer leagues i am in, and it just makes me nervous every time when i don't have it on!
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Originally Posted by akh View Post
tami - i am so sorry you lost your ring, i couldn't imagine. it makes me so man when people take something that isn't theirs. especially something that obviously has sentimental value.

i have to take mine off for a couple of the soccer leagues i am in, and it just makes me nervous every time when i don't have it on!
No kidding! It blows my mind how people can do that ... especially when the police even came to question them (thank goodness for connections) and I put up a Cash Reward flyer ... but there's nothing that can be done now. Too much time has passed.

Funny, though, I never, ever, ever took it off but was visiting my FMIL and she works at a jewelers and when they cleaned it they said how I needed to take it off more often because it wasn't staying clean/shiny. So, Tom said, "if that's what they told you, then do it" ... so I took it off to put my lotion on -- and the very first time -- left it. Went right back in and my lotion was there -- but somehow they managed to not find my ring (right). The manager and I scoured the place, but to no avail. I hope whoever has it is enjoying it as much as I am missing it...

Okay, enough. I've done so good 'letting it go.' Guess I just needed another vent... (I know, wrong area of the forum for that). smile27.gif
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I'm glad you could all have a few laughs at my expense.smile36.gif

I don't think I ever would have lived it down if I had lost it for good. It is insured through our home insurance, but for some reason (of which I'm not sure why because FI had it insured before I knew about it) they do not insure it for the full appraisal value. So basically we still would have had to shell out a few grand to replace it. Which gets me thinking? How have the rest of you insured your rings? I have heard that you can get a seperate jewlery policy. Would that be better? My WBs will add quite a bit of value to my ring so I will have to get it insured for more. Right?


Tami.... I'm so sorry that your story didn't have the same happy ending as mine. I was 99% conviced that someone had swiped my ring too. Then when I found it (yes, up my a$$), I felt really guilty for even thinking someone would steal what is quite obviously and e-ring. But, after reading your story, apparently (and unfortunately) there are people that are capable of something like that. It makes me sick!

On a brighter note...you WB sounds gorgeous!!!

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