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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by renee1811 View Post
I think all of our fiances are the same! My fiance said he really wanted to help with the save the dates; I had a few girlfriends who offered, but my fiance was dead-set that he wanted to help. I set an evening to do it, he made ONE and then decided he wanted to go play Halo instead---gah!! From now on, all of the DIY projects are going to be done with my girlfriends, lol.

AmyB, I think you should do the backdrop and make it as incredibly cheesy as possible :)

AmyKH, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your BD pics! You look absolutely stunning. After seeing yours, I was motivated to start going to the gym/eating better. My session is at the end of March, so I have some time to get in shape!
LOL!! I have to block off an agreed amount of time with FI and literally kibosh the tv and computer and he just finds excuse after excuse!!!

Last night for example I asked him to try on his vest to see if he wanted to keep it or not (waiting now for a month) he says "oh I have to go to the bathroom"... ok that's done, now try it on, "I'm hungry, let me eat first"... ok done, go try it on "after my smoke"... fine, now he's laying down on the couch and watching tv... ok so try it on now, "later" <---- this is where I typically snap and rip his head off. What is this process, this is what I go through EVERY time I ask him to do something for me related to the wedding.

Thank you so much! You have plenty of time, I waited until about 1 month out to REALLY crack down and get crazy on my diet and exercise. I need to now get back into it because I gave myself a week off after the shoot.
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Haha Amy, I was dying laughing at your explanation of trying on the vest. That is my DH to a T! I remember I was super stressed and I had spent hours and hours researching some things I was intersted in. His flip flops came in (yes, I ordered them online lol) and I asked him to try them on. He jumpd off the couch and said "Holy F*CK, why do I have to do everything?" I looked at him like, what are you talking about... you haven't had to do anything! LOL. He was so put out. Oh and he made a huge deal about putting his pants on so that I could pin them, drive them to the cleaners, pick them up for him a few days later and give them to him. Geez, so much work on his end..... idiot lol. P.S he never tried them on after they were hemmed to make sure they were ok... it was "too much work".

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lol, im lovin these men do nothing, because i can totally relate. I called my fh and asked him what he was doing (and he is very persistant on antagonizing me about what "he" wants to wear in the wedding). So his response was im at footlocker, i said cool, what your getting, he said tennis shoes for the wedding ceremony AHHH, im gonna jump out of my own skin. He hates dress shoes and hates dressing up, i dont know why this bothers me so much. Maybe because this is the one and only time he HAS to do this and he is NOT wearing tennis shoes with his suit, im gonna kill him. Pray for him that he makes it to mexico in 24 days!!!!!!!!!!! lol.

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Hahaha. Ya look at what DH wore for our wedding.... he hates dressing up too, so I picked something really casual for him as you can see. He STILL complained lol. He wanted to wear his shorts, running shoes and UFC tapout shirt.. umm I don't think so lol. But hey, its something to laugh about now!

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Meghan - I can totally relate to your stress right now. Funny thing is, it's over a very similar issue.


My FI was pretty much hands off but every time I went to make a decision on something he suddenly had an opinion. The latest is with the invitations. We decided on passport invites, I put together examples and designs as our friend who is designing them for us. After a week (yesterday) my FI came back to me with all of these "proposed changes" and thoughts on how it should be done. When I sat down last night to go over this with him... he wanted nothing to do with it and pretty much told me that I was really falling behind with all of this wedding planning stuff and that I've barely done anything! Are you freakin' kidding me? Needless to say I then promptly proceeded to the a pub with friends for a drink last night.

I just now finished emailing him a very long email with examples of wordings...


I think I have a groomzilla who magically thinks things are just going to get done and it's not very much fun.


Originally Posted by meghan View Post
Uggghh, I am so stressed today...I think the most stressed i've been in quite a while. We are making our own invites (supposed to have been sent out January 1st) and they still are not made. My FI was really excited about them in the beginning and had an idea of what he wanted, so I let him basically choose what we did for the invites. Over christmas I said we needed to get them done, and it never happened. Then he promised that he would work on them this weekend and get a good chunk done (I have been working on the already pretty much on my own)....that didn't happen. Last night he said he would do them....he cut 10 pieces of paper and glued them, and some of them he even glued on crooked! He is extremely artsy and probably more capable than I am of making them look nice. I'm so frustrated because I went with his idea for the invites, and he isn't even making much of an effort to do them!

Sorry for ranting, but just needed to vent. Aside from that, I have such a stressful job this year and when I come home from school and see that the invites weren't done, I'm not in a good mood!

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Nicole - LOL That would be awesome! We're on the east end... Danforth and Coxwell.


Meghan - I also realized that your in the Toronto area... if you end up needing help with the invitations, please do not hesitate to ask. I will gladly help you out!


Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
OMG Crista-Lee I would freak out!!! My solution to this would be to tell him to stfu.gif :). But then again, I'm a bit of a biatch like that. I'll do it for you if you want. You're from TO so I could even do it in person if you wish :)
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Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Haha Amy, I was dying laughing at your explanation of trying on the vest. That is my DH to a T! I remember I was super stressed and I had spent hours and hours researching some things I was intersted in. His flip flops came in (yes, I ordered them online lol) and I asked him to try them on. He jumpd off the couch and said "Holy F*CK, why do I have to do everything?" I looked at him like, what are you talking about... you haven't had to do anything! LOL. He was so put out. Oh and he made a huge deal about putting his pants on so that I could pin them, drive them to the cleaners, pick them up for him a few days later and give them to him. Geez, so much work on his end..... idiot lol. P.S he never tried them on after they were hemmed to make sure they were ok... it was "too much work".
haha that's really funny about your DH getting upset about trying on flip flops lol. I made Matt feel really bad about not doing the invites like he said he would, and when I woke this morning, he had a whole bunch done that he had worked on last night....guess you just gotta put your foot down and let them know how upsetting it is when they don't do things they say they will. I think they just don't get it and it's not as important to them. I have set time aside to get them done now. All tonight we are working on them and he is not going anywhere till they are done!
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Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Haha Amy, I was dying laughing at your explanation of trying on the vest. That is my DH to a T! I remember I was super stressed and I had spent hours and hours researching some things I was intersted in. His flip flops came in (yes, I ordered them online lol) and I asked him to try them on. He jumpd off the couch and said "Holy F*CK, why do I have to do everything?" I looked at him like, what are you talking about... you haven't had to do anything! LOL. He was so put out. Oh and he made a huge deal about putting his pants on so that I could pin them, drive them to the cleaners, pick them up for him a few days later and give them to him. Geez, so much work on his end..... idiot lol. P.S he never tried them on after they were hemmed to make sure they were ok... it was "too much work".
I'm sending my FI out to stay with you because their twins separated at birth... LOL!!!

The sad thing is, I'm sure you know, I'm not even exaggerating... word for word that's how it went down.

My favorite is when we start arguing and he says, "I do SO much for the wedding, give me a break!" Then I love going, oh please list out all you've gotten done... he always mentions, I helped with all the gluing of the save the dates!!!! We did this last May... and this is always what he tries to "throw in my face" yet we both equally did them. He's literally done nothing all by himself.
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